
Yeri and Irene look casual at the airport

Article: Red Velvet Yeri 'turtle smile'

Source: Financial news via Nate

1. [+1,168, -40] There's a lot of controversy about your character lately, you should be good to your team unnis.. ^^

2. [+1,121, -60] Turtle my butt

3. [+1,096, -38] Please train if you don't have any talent. We all know that idols make easy money but you should at least have a sense of professionalism about it and try your best to present a stage worthy of the money you're making.

4. [+134, -1] Go pursue something else if you don't want to be a singer anymore~~

5. [+121, -1] The fact that she's always getting into these controversies just prove that she has someone she can rely on to get her out of it ㅋㅋ Red Velvet was perfect as 4 but now she's just ruining it  ^^

6. [+109, -0] When she rejected Wendy's water bottle on that radio show, she totally looked like Lee Tae Im/Yewon's facial expression ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ sigh

7. [+105, -1] Her teammates are always working hard on varieties and yet she's always in the back without any reactions... pisses me off

8. [+88, -3] She's not even pretty or talented, I don't know what makes her think she can act this way;

9. [+82, -1] She's the typical type of person who's weak to people stronger than her and abusive to people weaker than her ㅋㅋㅋ where'd she learn to act like that when she's so young. Why does she even think she can act like that when she has nothing going for her? Fridge waist, bad at dancing...

10. [+79, -1] To all of you wondering what 'controversies' everyone is talking about, go search '180823 Red Velvet' on YouTube and find a radio clip. At around the 4 minute mark, you can see how disgusting her attitude is towards her members. Wendy tries to offer her a drink and she doesn't even reply, just glares at her up and down and ignores her. Her facial expression is no joke in it. Sure, celebrities can have bad days where they're not feeling well, but it's wrong of her to sit on a radio show with her hat pressed down and refusing to give reactions to anything that people are saying. The fact that she dared to even give that facial expression to another unni on the job ㅋㅋㅋㅋ she totally looked at her like she was beneath her.

11. [+69, -1] It's not just the water bottle incident. Irene and Yeri just don't give answers at all unless prompted by the MCs and it's usually short answers like "yes, thank you, yes, you're right"... they don't continue the conversation at all while Seulgi and Wendy keep trying to make connections and react to what the MCs are saying. Seulgi, Wendy, and Joy are the only ones who act like a team.

12. [+61, -1] She needs to get into a big scandal to realize that she's acting up and needs to get her head on straight. The way she's acting is absolutely disgusting right now, no different from a thug.


Article: Red Velvet Irene 'beauty with no flaw'

Source: Financial News via Nate

1. [+941, -72] I'm starting to see the end of Red Velvet. Yeri's constantly getting into attitude controversies and Irene looks like she doesn't even want to be doing this at all

2. [+719, -48] No one dare messes with Yeri or Irene ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ find strength, Wendy, Seulgi, and Joy ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

3. [+303, -12] I was disappointed in her introduction on 'Weekly Idol'

4. [+59, -1] As the leader, she should be holding it down for the team, and instead she's acting up with the maknae

5. [+59, -5] Just retire already~ You're old enough, aren't you? I can't stand your attitude anymore. You've made enough money, right? Go catch up on that sleep of yours and act like a princess at home.

6. [+47, -1] The group's a mess precisely because Irene's the leader. She should be the pillar of the group and yet she's acting like she doesn't want to be working at all.

7. [+47, -0] But seriously, why didn't she fill it all out on 'Weekly Idol'? Because she's really lazy? Just didn't want to?... Then shouldn't she quit and retire?

8. [+38, -1] Her bubble is beginning to burst ㅋㅋ

9. [+35, -2] Ajumma who lost her roots

10. [+30, -2] Why have Yeri and Irene gotten into so many attitude controversies lately? Did something happen?


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