
Fans spend all night outside stadium to purchase BTS concert merch

Article: 'BTS merch'... fans couldn't buy it even after waiting all night

Source: Chosun Ilbo via Nate

4,700 fans reported staying the entire night outside the BTS concert stadium for a chance to purchase fan merchandise. Worried parents later came out to join their teens in the wait.

1. [+608, -63] People will wait in line for all sorts of things from new cellphone releases to new Starbucks tumblers. It's all according to what the individual considers worthy of their time. BTS is just so popular that the competition is that much stronger. No one's forcing these fans to wait there, they're doing it because they like to and want to. If someone was passing out a thousand dollars, wouldn't you wait in line for it too if you thought it was worth your time? Obviously to these fans, the merchandise is worth more than that. It will all be looked back upon as memories when they grow up~

2. [+522, -53] They waited there because they thought it was worthy of their time. What's it to you if they want to spend the night there?

3. [+420, -67] They're truly one of the top idols of the world. Their fanbase is comprised of not only fans but famous stars alike because their music is worthy and good.

4. [+33, -4] Don't act like you all didn't do this with Sechkies and HOT back then ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+30, -2] I actually think this is a problem with fan culture. Forcing fans to get into fan signings according to their number on a CD purchase just forces fans to needlessly buy multiple CDs, hundreds even. And with all this fan merchandise, they can sell it elsewhere but the company is purposely trying to save distribution expenses by selling it outside the concert stadium in rows of 3-4 so of course fans are forced to wait 24 hours overnight. What generation are we in that they're not able to just sell it online? Then kids won't have to be staying outside all night. This is really cruel.

6. [+26, -1] Honestly, if you know that your main fanbase is made up of teens, you should be selling your fan merchandise online where fans can purchase it safely from their homes. The fact that you're forcing fans who already traveled hours from the suburbs to have to wait overnight just for a chance at buying something is really... I can't help but wonder how crazy worried their parents must've been. If you're not going to give out the merch for free, at least make it easier for them to buy it.

7. [+25, -4] How is this any different from the people who wait in line to buy new iPhones?

8. [+24, -3] I don't get the point of making this merch exclusive. If you just sold it online, then it's comfortable for everyone and BigHit can sell a lot more and make more money. BigHit's pretty evil for making it a limited release only sold in front of the stadium fully knowing that their fans would have to wait outside for it ㅡㅡ

9. [+21, -4] There were even parents who stood in line in place of their kids. I hope all of you grow up to be good to them.

10. [+20, -1] Aigoo, how difficult for the fans... please just sell this stuff online next time


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