
Picture updates from CL's concert in Singapore

Article: CL's latest updates earn attention for her body transformation... 'overflowing with girl crush charm'

Source: Top Star News via Nate

1. [+532, -20] She looks totally American

2. [+475, -33] Wow~ she must be under a lot of stress..

3. [+342, -14] But it's honestly the most frustrating for yourself when you gain weight ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+24, -2] I saw her fancams on YouTube and she's so out of breath that she can't even sing properly. She also moves a lot slower when she dances. I like CL's music but I think she needs to start managing herself.

5. [+22, -8] How can a person gain so much weight in a short period without it being a disease?

6. [+13, -1] I used to never be able to understand how someone could let themselves have a stomach that stuck out but when I suffered from depression for two years, I got it... I think it was because all the stress and sadness that I was holding inside of me finally exploded. I just went to work and lived like a corpse at home, eating without thinking while watching TV... I used to be so into fitness that I had my pictures hanging on the walls of a few gyms but I was huge when I woke up and realized what I was doing. I'm slowly working on moving more and trying to go back to how I was. To all of you suffering from something mental, let's all... try to be happy without getting hurt.

7. [+11, -3] How is that a girl crush? She's a fattie

8. [+10, -1] It's crazy how she gained nothing in her face. It looks like she's wearing a body suit.

9. [+9, -2] She doesn't look that bad... I think the media has a responsibility to show all different types of body types than just thin ones...

10. [+9, -3] She looks like a Russian ajumma


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