
Swings apologizes for festival accident, personally visits injured students

Article: Swings, Junghwa Arts University festival accident -> "I am visiting the five injured students... I'm really sorry" apology

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+1,862, -41] I detest tryhard hip hop stars. He can just go and apologize to them privately, it's pathetic that he has to do it on a live stream.

2. [+1,445, -27] Does our country not have any rappers who are actually cool?

3. [+1,409, -22] The result of "I'll handle this myself"

4. [+83, -2] What did he think the fence was there for? Obviously for everyone's safety. And Swings is the one who said "f*ck the fence", which is not only really arrogant but a thoughtless thing to say as well. He's only seeking the victims out because the scandal happened. Before all of this, he was posting on his Instagram stories like "(the performance) was much cooler at the end). I shake my head at this guy.

5. [+60, -0] Why would you "f*ck the fence"? Why don't you "f*ck the seatbelt", "f*ck the traffic lights"? Sure, it's your performance, but safety should always come first. The fence is there for a reason.

6. [+48, -5] His live stream seemed more like a rant on the media and clarifying the controversy rather than feeling apologetic. Whatever the case, this accident happened because he broke the rules.. He should be running around right now feeling sorry for the victims and yet he's on a live stream.. such an immature way to handle everything.

7. [+44, -3] If he was truly sorry, he wouldn't even be in the state of mind to be live streaming

8. [+30, -1] Unless the video is flipped, he should be in the driver's seat... so he was not only using his smartphone while driving but reading the comments too...


Source: Naver

1. [+1,632, -18] Fool

2. [+1,384, -11] Pathetic hip hop tryhard... "f*ck the fence"? I'm sure someone worked hard on installing that fence. Did he have to say it like that? He talks like he's still in middle school.

3. [+595, -17] Just another tryhard trying to act like he's not a tryhard

4. [+423, -14] He's offering another free performance? Why not just donate the money he's already received to charity?

5. [+88, -1] Tiger JK never acts like he's tough on TV, he doesn't have to because his aura just exudes swag no matter how humbly he's sitting in his chair. Rappers these days are such tryhards, filled iwth nothing but bragging about how tough or rich they are. Couldn't even squeeze an ounce of swag out of them if you tried, it's sad...

6. [+82, -0] Honestly, inviting Swings to perform at your school is the biggest crime. You have no right to complain even if he goes and diarrheas all over your classroom or spits at your principal.

7. [+64, -2] I can already tell what a crappy school this is just by the fact that they invited him

8. [+48, -0] "Safety is my priority"?? Then why'd you tell them to get rid of the fence when staff on site were telling you to stop? Why did you keep performing when you saw that people were being injured? And yet you claim safety is your priority?? How about you prioritize on fixing that character of yours.


from Netizen Buzz