
'Music Bank' cancels this week due to Hungary boat accident

Article: [Exclusive] 'Music Bank' to skip this week's episode due to Hungary boat sinking 'emergency decision'

Source: SpoTV News via Nate

1. [+222, -18] Praying earnestly that the missing are returned to their families

2. [+189, -77] It's not like they have to use the time slot to report on it, why are they overreacting?

3. [+173, -92] What does the show have anything to do with it?

4. [+23, -0] 'Music Bank' didn't cancel during the Kangwondo mountain fires and there were a lot of victims then too, why the overreaction now?

5. [+20, -2] Is it necessary........

6. [+16, -1] So all the soldiers who die in service don't get any recognition but just because a bunch of people went on vacation and died, the show gets canceled for the week?????

7. [+13, -6] I don't think 'Music Bank' understands where to fit in and butt out, this just seems like an overreaction on their part

8. [+11, -1] Is this really something to be canceling this week over? It's not like some national tragedy. What's even the standard for canceling a show? How many people need to die for the decision to be made?


Source: Naver

1. [+3,390, -379] Amazing how you get better treatment if you get into an accident while on vacation overseas than when you die as a soldier

2. [+1,607, -51] And yet 'Music Bank' didn't cancel for the week during the recent large scale mountain fire which affected so many people

3. [+1,444, -130] Where were they when the marines officer died? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+706, -30] Well they didn't cancel during the recent mountain fire? KBS didn't even report it on properly either. This is just ridiculous.

5. [+135, -4] Didn't 'Music Bank' go right on with their broadcast when a marines officer passed?

6. [+92, -9] People die every single day in accidents

7. [+87, -4] Can they at least be more consistent? They didn't cancel for the week during the recent mountain fire or when the marine officer passed away.

8. [+63, -5] I feel bad for the people affected by this in Hungary but this doesn't feel right. It's not like they're going to replace 'Music Bank' with a special news broadcast.


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