
Should Microdot be guilty for his parent's crime?

Article: Debate over whether Microdot is guilty-by-association... "his mistake" vs "parent's responsibility"

Source: SBS funE via Nate

1. [+1,260, -58] His family ran away to New Zealand in the middle of the night with months worth of emergency medication and even their cows loaded on to their trucks. How is it fair that their son gets to rap songs about how rich they are?

2. [+1,166, -77] He deserves it ㅋㅋㅋ He's the one who threatened legal action before changing his story and claiming he was only 5 years old at the time ㅋㅋㅋ You better calculate for inflation and pay them all back.

3. [+1,061, -51] No, it is his fault if he knew what was going on and still blocked the victims on Instagram

4. [+83, -1] He's only guilty-by-association if he's being legally prosecuted like his parents but he's not. His parents probably assumed that they were scamming old people from the countryside who weren't well versed on the internet so they'd get away with their crime... Imagine how enraged the victims must've felt having to see the parents on TV and Microdot complain about growing up in poverty for two years. At least the victims who lent money that they had are in less trouble than those who had to take out loans and co-sign for the parents. They've been paying back debt that isn't even theirs this whole time...

5. [+69, -2] He was raised with that scammed money. It's what fed him, put him through school, and let him go fishing out on boats in New Zealand. He would not be guilty if he never became a celebrity but he's a public figure now, he doesn't get to get off scot free.

6. [+57, -2] Just looking at the tuitions for his junior and high schools, you can tell he lived a lavish life off of scammed money

7. [+52, -6] You know what makes him guilty-by-association? That he knew his parents were criminals and still had them come out on TV shows with him. That he showed off his family's assets on TV while the families of their victims were sweating blood and tears to build back their families.

8. [+42, -0] Nobody's asking for Microdot to be prosecuted. We're just pointing out the fact that he got to live a lavish lifestyle thanks to the money his parents made by scamming others.


Source: Naver

1. [+1,023, -29] He got to live lavishly thanks to his parent's crime... The money should be paid back to the children of the victims who are still suffering to pay off debt that isn't theirs. Why is it fair that Microdot gets off free because his parents committed the crime, not him, but the children of the victims have to pay the price still..

2. [+790, -74] Did any of us demand that Microdot go to jail instead of his parents? Is he the one being named in the lawsuits? I remember on 'I Live Alone', Microdot was looking at Jun Hyun Moo take a nap in the afternoon and said something like, "I don't get how people can take naps, it's a waste of time" but he wouldn't have said that if he knew how hard of a schedule Jun Hyun Moo had to work while he himself gets to live the easy life thanks to all the scammed money. Don't shield him for any of this, sigh...

3. [+604, -17] "When I eat, I have to have all the flavors from sweet to salty to hot to cold" - Microdot, while others are eating factory food to pay back debt

4. [+553, -15] Well entire families of the victims are suffering because they were scammed, why does Microdot get off free because it's his parents who committed the crime? If Microdot ever had any intention of paying that back, the scandal wouldn't have even gotten this far. He was sitting there claiming legal action, he's no better than his parents...

5. [+477, -18] I highly doubt he didn't know when he was the one who blocked anyone on Instagram or Facebook who brought up the scam... ㅎㅎ


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