Article: Lee Hi 'lost a ton of weight'
Source: TV Daily via Nate
1. [+590, -30] She looks like a pretty North Korean lady ^^; please put out a new album, I love your voice~
2. [+485, -32] She looks North Korean... is her coordi her anti?
3. [+439, -11] She really hasn't been promoting... why does YG like keeping their artists on the backburner so much?
4. [+32, -5] It looks like she got work done
5. [+20, -1] She's not super pretty now or anything but she does look a lot better compared to her debut days
6. [+14, -0] What's YG thinking? They don't want to her give her away but they don't want to keep her either?
7. [+13, -0] I don't think it's just weight that she lost
8. [+11, -5] Her face is so wide
9. [+9, -0] I think she got work done on her time off
10. [+6, -1] I love her voice, I wish she'd get a song that could bring out its potential
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