
Hyuna pens a letter explaining her side of the story

Article: Hyuna "My only crime is working until my body crumbled for Cube... gut-wrenching times" [official statement]

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+2,684, -451] I understand Hyuna's point of view but you have to consider the company's perspective as well. They just launched a group off the ground, I can see why they'd be hesitant to confirm a dating scandal so soon.

2. [+2,424, -451] Hyuna did suffer a lot for them. So was she kicked for dating or what??

3. [+1,913, -184] It's so pointless to worry about these celebrities

4. [+306, -49] Feels a bit wrong for her to say she worked hard just for the company... She was basically working for her own paycheck.

5. [+242, -45] Hyuna's right but I also 100% agree with Cube's decision ㅋㅋㅋㅋ imagine how difficult she was being that they kicked out their own princess

6. [+231, -17] Why is she making herself sound like a slave when she worked hard and made all that money to go on dates?

7. [+214, -27] "until my body crumbled"~~~ imagine if you worked that hard on improving your singing~~~ and by the way, it's not like you worked hard for free?

8. [+197, -21] Hyuna-ya, you're the one who came up with the Triple H idea. Do you think Cube would've approved it if they knew you two were dating? You took your boyfriend in front of the public and played his fans right in front of their eyes. You're mad now that you made all that money with that tactic and now you're kicked? You did all that you wanted as Cube's princess, doing all your solo work instead of 4minute's activities. B2ST is the real group that worked "until their bodies crumbled" for Cube. They even had to make up for your absence at an international concert. You really expected your company to put up with your relationship too~?

9. [+129, -22] I understand her point of view but she went about all of this the wrong way

10. [+118, -13] I don't get why she's suddenly being like this. Is she finally feeling the fire under her feet? She talks about spending "gut-wrenching times" all this time but she was the one posting dating pictures on SNS and staying quiet as if Cube wouldn't dare kick her and now she's claiming those were trying times for her? Her words aren't matching her actions.


Source: Naver

1. [+2,694, -235] Even Steve Jobs was kicked from Apple... it doesn't matter how good at your job you are or how many connections you have, you'll be kicked out if you don't follow the rules of the company... ㅜㅜ Unless you're family, you're nothing but another wheel in the cog ㅜ Celebrities are technically being supported by their agencies and need to play by their rules. I think Hyuna thought she was more influential in Cube than she really was.

2. [+2,597, -368] Dating is not a crime but I understand Cube's perspective in all of this..

3. [+2,228, -370] She did commit a crime. She was under contract with her company and she should know by her experience in the industry that all of her little actions like this will influence how that contract plays out. You don't get to go against your company publicly on SNS like that without any prior compromise. No crime? Your irresponsibility is your crime.

4. [+1,674, -368] I don't care for Hyuna or Cube but I understand Cube's perspective

5. [+957, -161] Just use that money you saved on getting married and setting up a shopping mall or something

6. [+436, -66] "A beautiful ending to a contract held with standards"... ㅋㅋ Is what Hyuna did to her company considered "standard"? She screwed them over, she backstabbed them... I don't think Hyuna realizes what she did wrong even now.

7. [+344, -23] She acts like she's so cool. Why does she claim that she slaved for Cube when she was paid in return? Both sides upheld their end of the contract, and she should've known to play by the rules.

8. [+347, -27] I understand Cube's side. If she wanted to go public, she should've made sure to get Cube's permission no matter what beforehand. Cube had already handled the mess before the two went and put out exclusive news like that on their own. I can see why Cube's so pissed.

9. [+240, -19] We're not saying that dating is wrong... we're saying that the problem is that you ignored your company in the entire process. Hyuna still doesn't seem to realize that.

10. [+149, -4] I think Hyuna has always wanted to leave and Cube let her go considering the circumstances


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