
Cube puts E'Dawn on indefinite hiatus

Article: 'Hyuna♥' Pentagon's E'Dawn, 'promotions put to a halt' without any reason given

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+812, -93] This is why Cube is known for abusing their power... He's basically getting kicked out for dating. So dirty of Cube.

2. [+377, -82] This is 100% Hyuna's fault ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Who was the one who came out to the public with their relationship knowing what it'd do to their image and worth? I hope all of you get caught dating in the workplace and get fired over it too.

3. [+267, -19] What a way to go

4. [+189, -9] He's getting kicked out, what reason is needed

5. [+150, -3] Cube can't mess with Hyuna so they're taking it out on him...

6. [+118, -6] Dating is natural at that age, why can't he work? He hasn't committed a crime worthy of death. Being honest is a crime now, I guess~ He seemed like a hard worker on stage too.

7. [+98, -6] Nothing scarier than fans who turn on you

8. [+85, -3] But is this necessary

9. [+80, -0] Cube is trying to set an example to everyone else saying this is what's going to happen to your partner if you guys get caught


Article: Pentagon's E'Dawn put on indefinite hiatus... why is all the blame on E'Dawn?

Source: Herald POP via Nate

1. [+535, -18] Cube warned them to stop and knock it off but they chose to go public all on their own so Cube's just giving them a taste of the consequences. The reason they're not messing with Hyuna is because they're showing her that it's the people around her who will be hurt if she acts without consent again.

2. [+519, -8] Cube had already denied it in the first place but they went and confirmed it the next day without their consent. That's why this is happening.

3. [+441, -8] Is Cube trying to make him regret dating Hyuna? It also feels like a warning to Hyuna too

4. [+84, -0] Hyuna is Cube's princess so she can do whatever she want but her boyfriend is a nobody so he's immediately kicked from the team... Well, he should be worried about how he's going to put food on the table now ㅋㅋㅋㅋ might as well go serve in the army while he has time

5. [+68, -9] Hyuna really... ruined a man's life..

6. [+56, -5] Can't get involved with Hyuna anymore. Don't you all know why she got kicked out of WG? I bet E'Dawn is regretting it right now too.

7. [+51, -0] This is Cube's warning to Hyuna. Hyuna tried so hard to get her boyfriend more gigs with the Triple H unit and everything and Cube complied all along but now Hyuna has gotten big-headed. She thought she could go and confirm their relationship against Cube so of course Cube's mad now. Why was Hyuna so irresponsible?

8. [+44, -4] I guess Hyuna has to give him an allowance now


Article: [Officia] Pentagon's E'Dawn put on indefinite hiatus... Cube announces, "Continue as 8 without E'Dawn, Yenan"

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+1,386, -314] Shouldn't dating be allowed... How can he be put on indefinite hiatus over it? He's a celebrity, he's the happiest on stage ㅜ I feel bad for him knowing that he's the son of a family and that his parents must've been proud of their son becoming a singer... I don't know the reason but is it because Cube denied it and then the two confirmed it and so fans got hurt? What's going to happen to Hyuna...?

2. [+1,337, -15] They can't kick Hyuna because she laid the foundation for Cube so they have to take it out on the guy with the lesser popularity

3. [+941, -49] Pentagon was just barely gaining traction with teens and then they got into a string of dating scandals ㅋㅋ that's basically it for them isn't it? Male idols live off of the fantasies of their fans and yet all of them are dating ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+115, -13] I feel bad for him... Hyuna's doing just fine, doing pictorials and all. Hyuna really was rash on this one. She got all upset because she was getting hate for all the skinship she was doing on him and she totally didn't consider his future when she blabbed and whined about how they're dating.

5. [+98, -1] Poor E'Dawn... should've stayed quiet when Cube shielded why, why go and ruin it, tsk tsk.

6. [+94, -1] I bet Hyuna's going to dump him soon too ㅜㅜ

7. [+88, -4] Cube totally did this to spite Hyuna. Poor E'Dawn's suffering all because of Hyuna's dumb action. Hyuna was so desperate to make it obvious with him that she did all sorts of skinship, enough to make people accuse her of sexually harassing him, even going as far as to glaring at his fans at their fan meets... and now E'Dawn is taking all the consequences for it. It was even Hyuna that confirmed their relationship in the first place.

8. [+87, -1] Great, Hyuna can keep food on the table for him

9. [+84, -13] Hul~ Hyuna should be the one put on hiatus;;; she was the one who contacted journalists to confirm everything

10. [+74, -0] Seems like Cube's revenge. Hyuna messed up Cube's plans by confirming it on her own so now they're showing her how he's going to suffer for her decision.


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