
'Let's Eat 3' producers blame Yoon Doojoon's upcoming enlistment for having to end the drama early

Article: [Exclusive] 'Let's Eat 3' confirms that Yoon Doojoon's enlistment is forcing them to edit script + end at 14th episode

Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate

1. [+1,306, -47] I knew they'd blame him instead of their sh*tty script and sh*tty casting, when we all know that's the real reason they have to cut the drama early

2. [+1,212, -37] Wow, they're really blaming him for this? Amazing. Blaming everyone but themselves. What a joke.

3. [+1,089, -30] They've already been a mess because of poor viewer ratings and now they finally have someone to blame at the perfect timing for having to cut the drama early~ They almost sound excited to get to end early.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+66, -4] "Because of Yoon Doojoon"... Imagine if your viewer ratings were actually good, would you be cutting the drama early? Stop blaming others and own up to your problems

5. [+64, -2] This season was just too weird compared to the previous seasons ㅠ I forced myself to watch but please don't blame him ㅜㅜ Didn't you cast him knowing that he'd have to serve soon? ㅋㅋ

6. [+60, -2] A drama isn't a live broadcast, you should've filmed more if you knew he was going to serve. Why blame him for that? The script is already a mess too.

7. [+52, -1] Whoa~ the producers are blaming him~ amazing~~~ He had already rejected the drama multiple times because of his upcoming enlistment so you knew he had to serve soon and yet whose fault is it that you still don't have the script finished for him~?

8. [+48, -2] They're the ones who wrote the sh*ttiest season and yet they're blaming him now ㅋ Well this is the last time I'm watching this drama now.

9. [+37, -2] They were getting viewer ratings thanks to Yoon Doojoon and now they're blaming him for having to cut it early....

10. [+33, -0] The drama was so poor quality that it would've been cut early even without him going to serve


Source: Naver

1. [+6,735, -114] There was another comment suggesting that they end the drama with him going to the army and then start the next episode when he gets discharged ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+4,385, -405] What really sucks is that he hasn't had a proper break once before having to enlist right away... I feel so bad for him...

3. [+2,503, -168] Both Doojoon and the producers knew it'd be a scheduling gamble taking the drama on with how close he was cutting it to enlistment. I'm not sure why they're personally blaming him when it's the viewers and other co-stars who are more affected by their decision. Either way, I hope he serves with an easy heart.

4. [+992, -72] I'll be waiting, leader-nim

5. [+839, -36] You can tell what a kind person he is with the way he wrote, "I wish you happiness and health in this moment"... Us fans also wish you a happy and healthy service. We'll wait for you through two years without change.


from Netizen Buzz