
Girl group Tahiti disbands after 6 years

Article: [Exclusive] Girl group Tahiti eventually disbands "going separate ways"

Source: Star Today via Nate

1. [+228, -10] I didn't know a group named Tahiti even existed... until news of their disbandment

2. [+125, -4] Yeah... there are just too many idols in our country... competition's everywhere

3. [+38, -7] There are probably as many trainees as there are stars in the sky

4. [+9, -3] Never knew they existed ㅠ

5. [+7, -0] They were active for 7 years and yet nobody knows them, how heartbreaking for the members

6. [+6, -1] It's no longer easy to be successful as an idol... there are so many talented ones so the rest better brush up

7. [+5, -0] Wait, they were around for 6 years??

8. [+4, -0] First time hearing about them


from Netizen Buzz