
'Miss Korea' winner Kim Soo Min doesn't mind the hate comments because she's confident in herself

Article: 'Miss Korea' winner Kim Soo Min, "Negative comments? I like how healthy I look"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+422, -55] Not trying to put her down but I guess there really wasn't anyone prettier to pick from... because she's definitely not winner material. But then again, women who are truly beautiful and intelligent wouldn't bother with competitions like this.

2. [+302, -57] I think you're the only one who thinks that ㅋㅋㅋ The entire nation was surprised at your blue bikini pictures ㅋㅋ not an ounce of muscle, just all fat with no waist at all ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+226, -25] At least she was the most natural looking out of them all

4. [+29, -6] If she truly believes that all that matters is that she loves herself, then why would she bother competing in a competition like 'Miss Korea' where you're judged based on beauty standards? Especially when she knows that hate comments are everywhere in this world.

5. [+24, -1] Most of the comments were saying that she looked average but if her best was "average" after full 'Miss Korea' make up and styling....

6. [+19, -2] If you look at the other contestants, you can see why she was chosen. I don't think the competition invited women who are considered pretty but just anyone in her twenties. I don't even care if the winner's plastic or not, I just think the winner should be someone that everyone can unanimously agree is "pretty". Go look at the other contestants... it'll make you wonder how any of them made it in at all. They were below average.

7. [+15, -8] I guess all that matters is that she's confident in herself...

8. [+13, -3] I wouldn't say... she's... winner material...

9. [+12, -5] "Love who you are" ㅋㅋㅋ then go erase your thick make up and come out with clothes you'd normally wear

10. [+11, -0] Ugly

11. [+10, -0] It's what she's telling herself to feel better

12. [+9, -6] I'll be honest, you're ugly. Uglier than the part-time worker at my local convenience store or the ajumma who works at my supermarket.


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