
Yoobin makes her solo debut on 'Music Core'

Article: 'Music Core' Yoobin, from rapper -> vocal... solo debut after 11 years 'lady'

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+500, -46] Wow... her skills are a joke. Isn't this a problem if she's this bad after 10 years? Seems like the majority of JYP's artists are mediocre skill-wise... Even the ones that seem good aren't crazy good or anything.

2. [+486, -57] Her singing is super bad ㅋ so unstable and I can barely hear her lyrics

3. [+44, -5] I couldn't bear to listen to her live. Not only does the song suck but you have a rapper trying to sing... JYP doesn't have one female singer in their company who's a decent singer. There's only so much you can do to push them with good songs like Twice.

4. [+44, -13] She really lacks when it comes to delivering her lyrics. I had no idea what she was saying without the subtitles.

5. [+33, -14] While listening to the song, I felt that Yoobin was so bad that Sunmi would've pulled this off better ㅋㅋ

6. [+30, -2] It's because JYP brainwashes his artists into singing the way he wants. Look at miss A's Min, everyone thought she was the ace vocal but she's actually really bad and got tons of hate on 'Masked Best Singer'. They're only good when they sing songs JYP gives them. The problem with JYP's style of singing is that he doesn't pronounce his words.

7. [+29, -2] Should've just done a huge girl crush concept with a rap song ㅠㅠ this seems too Sunmi-conscious...

8. [+29, -8] As if Wonder Girls ever had a member that was decent at live???? They were all useless ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+25, -10] I could barely hear her voice, I had to doubt whether she was even singing at all


Source: Nate

1. [+641, -79] Her voice isn't good enough to go solo, she isn't even pretty, and what is this 80s Japanese retro concept that's so outdated;;;

2. [+490, -85] JYP got caught trying to steal another song and her title track is already a flop and fell off the charts in just a day... Yoobin has always been unpopular but it's shameless of her to say she's #2 in her company or whatever when she's completely untalented and can't even rap when she's technically a rapper

3. [+47, -12] She should do a song battle with Sunmi ㅋ they're both worse than any random person off the streets ㅋ

4. [+45, -6] Can JYP stop with this retro stuff... do they have a retro fetish? Why the obsession? ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+32, -5] Her skills seemed about average

6. [+32, -4] Going solo is what exposes your true skills

7. [+28, -5] I don't think she's going to last much in the industry after this

8. [+25, -0] What a shame... she grabbed a good image for herself on 'Unpretty' and got her name out there. Should've pushed that concept with a song release right after. What is this, just what is this?

9. [+24, -6] Dumb concept ㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+20, -5] Unni, this is a total flop!


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