
Choo Ja Hyun's agency denies reports that she's been unconscious since giving birth, fans demand the truth

Article: "Thank goodness it was a false report"... Choo Ja Hyun in need of support

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+681, -24] Those really were false reports though, right...? I mean, I understand there are some trashy journalists out there who will spew any lie for quick cash but the journalist who wrote that she's unconscious still hasn't taken their article down... I don't think I want to believe anyone until I read an interview from Choo Ja Hyun or her husband. Seeing as how she's still in the hospital, it's obvious she hasn't fully recovered yet so I wish her a speedy recovery and a return with Woo Hyo Kwang-ssi on 'Same Bed, Different Dreams'. I miss you two.

2. [+519, -14] I honestly am curious as to what's going on but I trust that she's healthy right now ㅠㅠ find strength~

3. [+190, -17] I don't want to believe her agency. They're saying they texted with her and telling us to trust them when they say she's conscious but in this age, who just says they have text evidence without giving us the evidence? How can she text her agency but not write one post on SNS about how she's okay? If she really was conscious, I feel like Woo Hyo Kwang would've said something on SNS by now but why is he being so quiet when things sound so bad? We can only trust the couple, we can't trust what their agency is saying without evidence.

4. [+78, -4] I think she is in the emergency room in critical state but there's a chance that she'll recover so the hospital is calling the unconscious report a lie since they don't want to blow this up.

5. [+66, -3] I don't think this can just end as a 'simple happening'. The journalist said she was unconscious and relying on an oxygen mask in critical condition. It's not only Korean fan who are concerned about her but her Chinese fans too, and it's so weird that Woo Hyo Kwang hasn't said anything yet since we know that he's not the type to stay quiet at times like this.

6. [+58, -3] I have no idea what's going on. When reports came out that she was unconscious, I felt glad to see false report articles a few moments later but the original report still hasn't been taken down by Sports Kyunghyang... I wish the agency would give us a better understanding of what's happening. Or should we just wait for her recovery....

7. [+46, -1] I want to believe that none of this is true but... something feels weird... something in my gut

8. [+43, -5] I'm worried because it doesn't seem like a false report. I feel like her agency is purposely putting out more articles saying it's false. I'm sure a lot of people have a bad gut feeling about this right now...

9. [+36, -4] I refuse to believe anyone until the couple says something themselves! The media needs to stay out unless they have the actual facts!! Fighting to the couple and their families!

10. [+32, -3] Whether it's true or not that she's unconscious, she was taken to the intensive care unit and she's probably in a difficult condition right now even if she's recovered. It's best not to start rumors right now and just support them!


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