
Soyu unveils her 5 bedroom home

Article: 'Seoulmate' Soyu reveals her artsy house "New house with 5 rooms"

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+1,009, -30] I remember first seeing SISTAR debut in a tracksuit singing 'Push Push' and thinking that they were hopeless... but now they're huge and wealthy enough to be buying huge homes like this ㅋㅋㅋ ah, the world of celebrities

2. [+849, -147] She doesn't really have an eye for interior design. It's just a house with five rooms, nothing more.

3. [+655, -38] What is the point of shows that show off celebrity homes? What are we supposed to gain from it?

4. [+40, -0] Once again, makes me feel that celebrities are paid way too much for what they do

5. [+31, -0] Her house isn't all that pretty though... ㅜ

6. [+30, -1] Hmm... makes me feel the same as when I saw Yunho's home on 'I Live Alone'... it's a nice house and all but nothing pretty to look at.......

7. [+22, -1] It's literally just five rooms, none of it is decorated in an artsy way at all ㅎㅎㅎ

8. [+21, -3] She was successful as SISTAR but you also have to consider all her OSTs and duets that were hits...

9. [+15, -0] I wouldn't say she has an interior design eye.. ㅋㅋ

10. [+12, -0] I heard Soyu bought a building recently... I guess this is located there

11. [+12, -3] Her face is just an ajumma

12. [+12, -4] How old is she? She looks 35 in these screencaps


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