
Lee Shi Young looks unbelievable 3 months after giving birth

Article: Lee Shi Young 'jaw dropping' body just three months after giving birth

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+1,468, -102] Listen up, men. The average woman will not be able to focus on losing weight after she gives birth because she's too busy raising and losing sleep over her infant. Celebrities have nannies, nutritionists, and physical trainers who help them focus on their weight loss goals. It's a different environment. Don't compare your wives to these celebrities. Give her more love instead.

2. [+1,169, -81] It's because of articles like this in the media that husbands go home and put down their wives for looking tired and unsightly after watching their baby all day. These celebrities have separate nannies who watch their babies all day along with several thousand invested in pre and post natal care. Your wives are not the same as these women.

3. [+591, -60] She really is the jjang at managing herself

4. [+50, -12] She spent 20 million won on creams for pre and post natal stretching. At minimum! Unless you're a husband who can invest that kind of money on your wife, do not dare expect your wife to have that kind of body after birth.

5. [+23, -9] It's possible because she has a nanny, a physical trainer, a manager~~~ The rest of us only have time to work out after the kid goes to daycare.

6. [+22, -2] Well their bodies are their product so they have to take care of it...

7. [+19, -1] Men, please don't nag at your wives "look at her, she lost so much weight so easily, what have you been doing?". Instead of saying that, how about you go and make as much money as their husbands too?

8. [+16, -7] Must be nice to have so much time and money. My wife barely has time to watch TV, let alone pick up any hobbies. I guess it's my fault for not making as much money as them, f*ck.

9. [+11, -0] It takes over a year for your body to return to normal after birth... She may look good now but her bones are going to ache sorely once she gets older.

10. [+8, -1] She has always had a strict work out regime so it was probably easier for her to bounce back! Her body looks great!!


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