
Tablo loses 10 years worth of lyrics from iPhone update

 Article: Tablo impacted by iPhone automatic update "Lost 10 years worth of lyrics"

Source: Everyday Economy via Naver

1. [+925, -169] Why would you even store 10 years worth of lyrics only in your cellphone...

2. [+647, -30] A win for Galaxy

3. [+363, -25] I'm more shocked that he hasn't backed any of it up in 10 years;;;

4. [+200, -27] I don't think he means that he never backed it up over 10 years. Even if you periodically back your files up, maybe he lost the lyrics that he didn't save in between back ups. Who even backs up their files every single day? You could lose a diary entry from 2-3 days ago and still not be able to rewrite it with the exact feeling you had at the time. 

5. [+123, -10] I've often experienced files being corrupted from updates and back ups...; even with the Cloud... it's a total menboong when it happens to you

6. [+20, -2] Does he not use iCloud??? Especially when your career is reliant on data storage??? All you have to do is connect it and everything on your phone to your Macbook to your iPad get automatically saved ㅋ

7. [+19, -1] Is he preparing for a comeback or something? I don't get why this is news worthy... Hasn't he switched phones in the past 10 years? And he never backed anything up in between?

8. [+15, -5] I've never had my files deleted after numerous back ups, what is he talking about?


Source: Naver

1. [+581, -117] If the lyrics were that important, he should've backed them up. The fact that he didn't must mean they weren't that important to begin with. And he's rich enough to afford Cloud, no??

2. [+315, -32] You should always back up anything important...

3. [+410, -162] They probably aren't important lyrics, just random thoughts he wrote down. No way would he manage his lyrics so irresponsibly? The real stuff is probably all saved to his PC or some server elsewhere.

4. [+176, -1] I'm more shocked that he never backed anything up in 10 years

5. [+38, -4] Anything you never cared to back up or look at in 10 years is no different from a piece of trash

6. [+34, -2] I've also experienced losing various recordings due to an iPhone update a few years ago. They were really important recordings to me and it caused me mental anguish for some time after. 

7. [+22, -1] So he's an iPhone user of 10 years who produces music off his Macbook, shouldn't he have basic things installed like the iCloud for back up? How did none of that sync? 

8. [+22, -1] I don't believe him ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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