
AOA Gallery claims Mina was not bullied by AOA

Article: "There was no bullying" AOA Gallery makes announcement a year after scandal

Source: Chosun via Naver

1. [+2,229, -98] What kind of authority does a Gallery even have to be making any type of announcement like this?

2. [+719, -138] We can all tell what kind of b*tch she is judging by how she had no problem stealing someone else's man

3. [+417, -70] So she was just an attention wh*re all along?;;;;; I knew someone like her. She'd act like the victim and claim to be bullied so I'd treat her kindly out of sympathy only for her to backstab me and disappear.

4. [+177, -3] I don't know if she was bullied or not but it's clear that she has some mental health issues

5. [+169, -5] Kwon Mina seems like a liar. She posted texts claiming to be from her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend's father with the caption "please stop" but those messages were never directed at her, they were directed at her boyfriend. She's the type of woman who believes that she will always be in the right if she victimizes herself. How embarrassing to be posing up swears as if they were directed at her when they never were. I can't trust her after seeing her post something that had nothing to do with her and then lying about it.

6. [+118, -8] Jimin and Seolhyun don't seem like nice b*tches but Kwon Mina seems like she has mental health issues too

7. [+103, -1] She really fell hard with her recent boyfriend scandal. Now people are going to have a skeptical eye when looking at her past and future activities. Anything she does will be viewed as being an attention wh*re now.

8. [+101, -3] What AOA got the most hate for was when people believed that AOA didn't allow Mina to be there for her father's passing. Mina talked about it ambiguously which made people believe that Jimin didn't allow her to go but Mina actually was there, and she was the one who refused to go inside the hospital room.

9. [+120, -25] Why is this Gallery only saying something now that public sentiment is turning on Mina due to the boyfriend scandal? Yes, the boyfriend scandal did make me lose respect for her but the Gallery seems to have intentions beyond that as well, and it's quite malicious. This is not the time for this kind of announcement.

10. [+94, -3] Mina basically used the threat of suicide as a weapon to keep her agency and the members silent. What can the members do but keep quiet or else the public will think they're out to kill someone? 

11. [+64, -1] Kwon Mina, I tell you this out of genuine concern. Please close your SNS and just live quietly. Anything you say comes back to you like a boomerang. You never should've taken a man with another girlfriend. Like I said, this will all come back to you.

12. [+68, -6] One person basically ruined an entire group

13. [+46, -0] I remember this Gallery denouncing Jimin during the last scandal. They're basically useless and will follow whatever public sentiment is. And DC Galleries aren't ven official fancafes or anything, they're a free for all forum rampant with s*xual harassment so what authority do they think they even have to be making any type of official announcement? ㅋㅋ


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