
Goo Hara's older brother shares heartbreaking last texts

Article: Goo Hara's brother reveals Katalk conversation from before her death... "Please, live long for me"

Source: Top Star News via Nate

"Please, oppa is asking of you... to not think bad thoughts, don't be hurt, take care of your health, and let time pass so that you can get married, have a baby, and live the long life you still have left... Cry all you want when you're sad and let it go... I know you won't be able to let it all go but.. I love you, my dongsaeng"

Goo Hara: I love you, oppa
Don't worry

"How sad you must be ㅜㅜ this oppa's heart is choking up as well and it's killing me. Eat delicious food while you're in Japan and fighting."


1. [+2,375, -15] This is so sad.. Her brother's heart must be ripping in pain.. may she rest in peace

2. [+1,993, -25] I'm choking up... Please don't be a celebrity in your next life, live a normal life instead..

3. [+1,800, -14] Heartbreaking..

4. [+150, -1] It's not often that you see siblings say "I love you" to each other so imagine how deep their love must've been and how shocking this must all be for him. Find strength...

5. [+149, -3] Goo Hara's estate should not go to her parents... She basically grew up living in her relatives' houses, her parents practically threw her away. Shouldn't her brother take her estate? The law is so messed up at times like this...

6. [+110, -1] If only she lived a bit longer, waited for better days, lived a life worth showing off to that ba$tard. Her brother will be in so much pain for the rest of his life... You worked hard, rest peacefully ㅜㅜ

7. [+99, -0] Imagine her pain being so great that she couldn't even fulfill her promise to her own family.. He must've been so worried for her after Sulli's death...

8. [+90, -0] So much sorrow for the brother's desperation ㅜㅜ

9. [+85, -0] Can't imagine how terrifying this must be for the family... something you can never forget

10. [+78, -0] So she had a brother... and he seems to have loved her a lot. Sigh... I'm sure she's hurting as well for not being able to keep her promise to him... Rest peacefully...

11. [+72, -4] Her entire estate should go to her brother, no? After her parents divorced, Goo Hara was raised by her grandmother. I wonder if her parents contacted her again after Goo Hara became successful? Still, I bet only her brother and her grandmother truly cared for her in the end.

12. [+66, -2] Just hoping that Goo Hara's estate will go to her brother and not her divorced parents...


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