Article: 'Chubby cheeks' Sunmi, 'looking better, right?'
Source: Mydaily via Nate
1. [+667, -87] She's become annoying ever since 'Gashina'
2. [+663, -102] She's gotten uglier
3. [+581, -115] Anyone on the streets would be way prettier than her
5. [+29, -6] An odd reality where her lookalike Risabae is more famous than her now
6. [+26, -9] She looks older with the weight gain... please don't listen to the feminists telling you to gain weight
7. [+23, -2] Whenever I see her lips, she reminds me of Pamela Anderson... She has those characteristic lips of old blonde women who age terribly from plastic surgery addiction ㅋㅋㅋ
8. [+21, -2] If you look back at Sunmi's nose from her WG debut days... it was a lot worse than Hyeri's
10. [+20, -3] Who is this ajumma? Where's Sunmi?
11. [+17, -1] The irony ㅠㅠ she gained weight because she was too skinny but now she doesn't look as good on camera ㅠㅠ
12. [+14, -4] She's been on the decline ever since her weight gain
from Netizen Buzz