Article: 'Chanyeol nuna' Park Yoora announcer on YTN resignation "Trying something new instead of broadcast work, thank you for your support"
Source: Star Today via Nate
1. [+260, -23] I wonder if she'll open a shopping mall
2. [+208, -51] Pretty... genes don't lie
3. [+130, -10] If your husband makes good money, it's better to just stay home and do freelance work once in a while. She could attend a few corporate events and make hear annual salary back easily...
4. [+19, -7] Maybe she'll go into acting, or maybe not
5. [+17, -5] YouTube??
6. [+16, -7] She really does look like Chanyeol dressed as a girl ㅎㅎ
7. [+13, -0] So this is what Chanyeol would look like if he were born a girl
8. [+12, -2] Acting or YouTube?
9. [+11, -7] Such a pretty face...
10. [+10, -3] The siblings look so alike... good good genes
from Netizen Buzz