Article: Shindong forced to reveal weight... 111 kg, even he is shocked
Source: TV Report via Nate
1. [+555, -23] I remember being quite taken aback when he said it was okay for himself to be chubby because he's a man but when a woman is chubby, she isn't managing herself;;
2. [+462, -11] I'm curious how Shindong got into SM and became a singer...
3. [+374, -11] He seems to be gaining more weight the more I see him ㅋㅋㅋ
5. [+45, -1] He doesn't manage an ounce of his face or his body and yet he's demanding women to do it, is he crazy? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ His brain is just as busted as his character.
6. [+43, -3] What is he so shocked about, he totally looks 111 kg...
7. [+43, -3] Enough with the contouring make up...
8. [+35, -2] He's uglier than gagmen... and his double eyelid surgery makes him look greasy. If he looks like this in full make up, imagine without... ugh.. gross...
10. [+23, -6] Lose some weight, man, the neck fat disgusts me every time I see him
11. [+21, -1] 111 kg at his height is pretty severe...
12. [+17, -2] It's not his weight that's the problem, it's his lack of respect and consideration
from Netizen Buzz