
IU's recent land investment goes up in massive hike leading to suspicions

Article: IU under suspicion of speculation as GTX beneficiary "up 2.3 billion won in a year"

Source: The Celeb via Nate

IU was listed among many other company CEOs as business beneficiaries of the company GTX, a company which caused her investment in a building and land she purchased to go up 2.3 billion won in price. Of the list, she is the figure with the highest rise in price, which media outlets are reporting puts her under suspicion of real estate speculation.

1. [+622, -75] Real estate speculation... So people who already live there will have to work like ants for the rest of their lives to basically give their money away to IU ㅡㅡ isn't this a crime? Where did she even get this information to want to want to invest in a random field of nothing...

2. [+597, -42] If you spin it positively, she's smart, and if you spin it negatively, she's sly. Where could a singer have gotten such information to invest in land like that?? I'm sure anyone who's invested in real estate themselves would know that putting down 4.6 billion won at once is a big investment that no one would do without information on future government plans with the land.

3. [+523, -78] I knew it.. ㅋㅋ

4. [+149, -8] She always said in her interviews that she didn't need any more wealth~~ that she didn't want to become numb to having so much money~~ and yet how did she come onto a real estate investment that rose in price higher than any other top company CEOs' investments? Surely she invested in that land knowing something~~~~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+133, -8] Do you pigs get it now? ㅋㅋ I honestly have always thought that IU is an extremely smart person who knows how to work her pig fans well. She's had so many controversies and yet she always knew how to get herself out of every single one, with her pig fans applauding her the entire way ㅋㅋ I wonder what artistic image she'll use this time to get out of this one ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+111, -6] I always knew she was smarter than we thought with the way she sent Eunhyuk home with that scandal

7. [+108, -5] I always felt this, she isn't your average kid ㅋㅋ

8. [+106, -3] Feels like yesterday that she was speaking so innocently and purely, saying she was scared at how money could feel like nothing once you earn past a certain amount... I'm disappointed if this news is true..

9. [+94, -9] IU is seriously the otp at managing her image ㅋㅋ I can clearly see that she's a fox but people don't hate on her because she's talented

10. [+73, -6] Human greed is endless. If I was making as much money as her with my day job alone, I wouldn't even bother with investing in real estate speculation. I really hope this gets treated as a crime and these people can be penalized ㅜㅜ

11. [+69, -7] No wonder she's been trying to manage her image with charity donations ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

12. [+66, -2] The problem is finding out where in the world she got such information

13. [+63, -12] I always knew she wasn't your average kid once I saw the way she tanked Eunhyuk's image....

14. [+61, -12] She made herself seem like she had no greed for wealth ㅋㅋㅋㅋ but I guess those charity donations were all for image management and she was investing in speculative land this whole time behind our backs ㅋㅋㅋ

15. [+59, -2] Think about this for a moment~ IU has done nothing but sing all her life. How do you think she came upon such information to make such a big investment? Do you really think she was out there on the fields researching land prices and predicting price rises? No... I'm thinking she has connections to someone in the government... or she's working with a huge real estate company who only takes celebrities on as clients... After all, it only takes money to make money.

16. [+55, -1] Investing: like the word, it's just spending your own money to invest in something that comes with risks as to whether you profit or not. Real estate speculation: investing in something through information about it you garnered beforehand for the purpose of jumping on an opportunity for the price to rise so that you can sell it back for an even bigger profit. This can become a crime depending on how and where you got such information.

17. [+55, -2] Who would be crazy enough to invest in a field of nothing for over 4 billion won... she 100% acted on insider information

18. [+52, -5] There's a reason she's called sly... I always saw through her so I'm not even surprised ㅋ

19. [+49, -4] She's always being involved in such naughty scandals... doesn't seem like a decent person in the end.

20. [+48, -4] She obviously acted on insider information. Why would she be bored enough to buy a field of nothing for 4.6 billion won? Maybe she can use it to spend the rest of her life farming on it.


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