
'Boyfriend' heads towards the finale with mixed reviews

Article: 'Boyfriend' shows no signs of rebound, scriptwriter Yoo Young Ah reaches her limit

Source: The Celeb via Nate

1. [+2,399, -116] I think this drama along with 'Sky Castle' shows the drastic difference in drama trends. It no longer matters who's starring in it, only the plot. The public has raised their standards when it comes to drama quality.

2. [+1,677, -62] People are enjoying Park Bogum and Song Hye Gyo, not the drama itself. The drama is.. totally disappointing. If this drama had a different cast, it would barely be getting 5% viewer ratings. Feels like there isn't much of a plot and is just slowly headed towards an end that's not really an end..

3. [+1,455, -211] This is still airing? I thought it was over already..

4. [+155, -13] What a waste of Park Bogum and Song Hye Gyo ㅜㅜ the viewer ratings would be daebak if the script was half decent.. It hit tvN's #1 viewer rating the first week alone just off the cast... but it shows how important the scriptwriter is in carrying out the rest of it.

5. [+132, -46] The drama should be grateful that episodes weren't cut to make it end faster. It's seriously so boring.. why doesn't Song Hye Gyo's acting ever improve either?

6. [+128, -24] Wow, it's been getting 7% viewer ratings... which they should be grateful for considering the mess of a script. It's like everyone's been saying, b o r i n g.

7. [+125, -24] The story is just so boring

8. [+114, -17] I still have no idea why top stars such as Song Hye Gyo and Park Bogum picked such a drama

9. [+69, -9] People keep calling the drama boring but the reason this drama failed is because the two leads don't match at all. Why would you ever cast a newlywed like Song Hye Gyo and have her shoot a romance drama with a younger man? How is the viewer supposed to focus? People already called the coupling a failure before the drama even began. The blame isn't only on the scriptwriter but the actors too.

10. [+66, -6] This drama made me realize how tired I am of Song Hye Gyo's acting. It's been the same, with the same personality and the same speech style since 'That Winter', 'Descendants', etc...

11. [+58, -9] This was a mistake on Song Hye Gyo's end. She just got married to one of the hottest male actors of our time and is now shooting a drama with an even younger male actor? She needed to be more daring with her next choice, something completely out of pocket like a crazy love story with Yoo Ah In or a stronger partner like Ha Jung Woo or Lee Sun Kyun that really showcases her acting. Instead she's in a drama with a kid who follows her around like a puppy like "nuna can I kiss you?" Park Bogum's a better fit for partners like Park Bo Young or Kim So Hyun... Just bad decisions all around from the scriptwriter to the casting.

12. [+65, -10] Surprised they're even getting the viewer ratings that they are with just the two names alone. The script is such a problem...


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