
Yoojoo bundles up at the airport

Article: Girlfriend's Yoojoo 'back looking healthy'

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+326, -37] Got her chin and eyes done during her break

2. [+296, -32] She really came back with a different face ㅡㅡ

3. [+246, -32] Came back after plastic surgery

4. [+30, -24] So what if she got work done? Is that something so wrong? You guys are annoying

5. [+28, -6] Chin, eyes.. so obvious

6. [+26, -8] So she did get her eyes and chin done... but she looks prettier now

7. [+18, -10] She came back looking like IU

8. [+16, -5] I don't know what she originally looked like but I can tell she got her chin done

9. [+14, -1] Next time, just be honest and say she's getting some procedures ㅋㅋㅋ why keep it hush hush in today's generation when plastic surgery isn't a crime? It's not like she's getting an abortion or anything. She's already a good singer who's considered a top idol vocal, nothing wrong with getting surgery to fix her jaw when her job is all about looks. Her company handled it the wrong way and caused all sorts of rumors about pregnancy and leaving the group, tsk tsk.

10. [+13, -5] She looks prettier

11. [+12, -3] Makes me wonder why her agency thinks it's necessary to go this far with her. Did she really need to go on hiatus for surgery and cause all this talk? She even looks like she has an eating disorder, sigh.

12. [+7, -1] ㅋㅋㅋ When I first saw her chin, I wondered how she became an idol, but now that chin is gone ㅋㅋ


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