
Girlfriend's agency assures Yoojoo is fine

Article: Girlfriend Yoojoo, missing for a month... agency reps, "She is fine"

Source: M+ News via Nate

1. [+219, -8] They can't just tell people to wait without giving any explanation... That's leaving it up to our imagination, and that's the worst thing you can do.

2. [+210, -9] Probably recovering in the hospital; we'll find out in two months why she's been gone

3. [+206, -10] Plastic surgery makes more sense than her running off with a boyfriend, no..??

4. [+61, -1] Probably got jaw surgery.. which is why she can't sing right now...

5. [+36, -2] In all of their songs, Yerin and Eunha recorded over Yoojoo's parts and they redid the choreography by leaving out Yoojoo, it seems like she's leaving the group

6. [+25, -1] Why can't they just say why she's been gone? Fans are obviously going to speculate if they keep her off stage without explaining why

7. [+22, -1] They obviously think of their fans as fools if they're not giving an explanation ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+21, -6] Girlfriend is already nearing the end of their fame, they're basically over without Yoojoo

9. [+20, -1] The length of her absence is about the time for recovery from jaw surgery~~~ we'll find out when they have their comeback

10. [+16, -6] Why can't their agency just say what's happening? Do they think she's Fan Bing Bing or something?


Article: Girlfriend reps, "Nothing wrong with Yoojoo... she will be back to promos starting December" (official statement)

Source: Korea Ilbo via Nate

1. [+136, -6] If there's nothing wrong, then why aren't they explaining why she's missing promos? I always assumed she had a complex about her face shape or jaw, it honestly seems like she's getting work done

2. [+131, -8] This can only mean plastic surgery

3. [+118, -6] So she got work done and her swelling will go down by next month?

4. [+22, -1] It's time for us to get ready to say "who's that?"

5. [+17, -0] "There's nothing wrong with her" = "her surgery came out well"

6. [+12, -1] If she actually did get surgery like the comments are speculating, you guys shouldn't criticize her for it. She's suffered all sorts of mean comments about her chin since she was a teenager. She's already a good singer and the main vocal... what more do you want from her? How do you expect someone so young to endure all those hate comments?

7. [+10, -0] Basically told the entire nation she got work done

8. [+8, -0] Nothing wrong with surgery, she was getting comments about her looks all the time


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