
'Fantastic Beasts' Twitter mistakes Claudia Kim's picture for another Asian actress

Article: Soo Hyun, another racism controversy... official Twitter account's mistake

Source: Newsen via Nate

The official twitter account for her movie were posting pictures from the premiere and listed Claudia Kim with a picture of another Asian actress.

1. [+1,005, -6] Whoever's running the account must be trash. There's no way you couldn't have known. I'm just going to sit this movie out.

2. [+825, -11] How many racism controversies are we getting from one movie? I refuse to watch it anymore.

3. [+808, -11] F*ck it, I'm not watching it

4. [+59, -1] Why did they hire an Asian cast if they were just going to be racist against her like this..?

5. [+50, -1] How do you hire someone who can't even tell apart the cast's faces? I don't get how similar Asians look to them, you don't mistake Thor for the Iron Man, do you?

6. [+38, -1] JK Rowling herself is really racist ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+36, -3] I'll watch this for free online then

8. [+33, -0] Wow, the Korean movie industry is top 10 worldwide, how can you just put down a Korean actress like this?... I refuse to watch this movie.

9. [+27, -0] Why did they cast her just to treat her like this? It's so rude.

10. [+23, -3] I heard the reviews from the premiere were bad anyway


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