
BTS and Lee Byung Hun win daesangs at the '2018 AAA'

Article: [2018 AAA] BTS x Lee Byung Hun win the honor of daesang at the AAA... BTS wins 5 crowns

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+389, -4] The audio was so bad...

2. [+375, -12] So pissed over the camera and mic quality for BTS's stage. I waited four hours to see that? None of the other singers had any accidents.

3. [+354, -8] What was up with their mics? The ceremony was a mess;;; People who were there said they could hear their live just fine but we could only hear the MR on TV. Why invite BTS if you're going to treat them like this???

4. [+47, -0] Please get rid of this ceremony if you brought BTS on just to treat them like this. Poor mic and sound quality, poor camera work, the whole ceremony was just tackiness galore. I've never seen a ceremony not even nail the basics down;; Who even had fun here? So exhausting to watch four hours of it. What were they thinking...

5. [+40, -0] Worst ceremony ever. Did the audio team go home or something???? Don't call singers at all if you're going to do this.

6. [+39, -0] This was the best they could do with BTS? The ceremony was a mess

7. [+37, -0] Sound, camera, ceremony, all below average... The producers better get ready to find new jobs.

8. [+35, -0] Yes, really enjoyed watching 'AAA' give crappy mics to superstars~

9. [+34, -0] Were the mics real life? Did the camerman just get back from the 90s?

10. [+32, -0] So needlessly long, so boring... such a mess of a ceremony... messy audio quality... what happened to BTS's mics? I'm speechless ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Source: Naver

1. [+1,976, -19] How did they give out so many awards I've never even heard of? And the sound, mics, camera quality, all just hopeless.

2. [+1,092, -9] Were they serious with the audio and lighting??? Please get rid of these useless ceremonies ㅡㅡ

3. [+854, -53] Congratulations to BTS on winning and all the other artists who won as well!

4. [+710, -34] They still sang their hearts out even when their mics weren't working and smiled for the cameras... they're world class for a reason. I felt so bad for them their entire stage but they acted like nothing was wrong and danced so passionately. Amazing human beings all around!

5. [+248, -4] Their audio was such a mess, how is there not one word about that? ㅋㅋㅋ With Armies all over the world watching, AAA basically let the world know that Korea's audio quality is crap ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+194, -10] AAA needs to issue an official apology to BTS

7. [+150, -2] AAA needs to give me a trophy just for sitting through all that. How many awards did they give out?

8. [+148, -2] Imagine inviting a world star to your ceremony and turning off their mics ㅋ amazing ㅋㅋ


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