
'Produce 48' Matsui Jurina shares a photo update

Article: Matsui Jurina, latest picture update "Slowly gaining health back"

Source: Star Today via Nate

1. [+426, -50] She kind of has an ajumma face but I liked that she still worked hard even though she was the #1 pick within the Japanese and was always willing to learn more

2. [+360, -63] I found her more endearing than Sakura

3. [+232, -33] It was my first time feeling so endeared by a Japanese idol, sad to see her go

4. [+35, -9] If you watch the 'Mine' fancam, you can see why she was #1. I think she would've showed a lot of potential if she stayed till the end. She's a lot more endearing than Sakura and I'm personally sad to see her go.

5. [+35, -11] She didn't leave because she's sick, she left because she was caught yelling at her members and treating them poorly. It was really controversial among the Japanese. That's why she quit 'Produce 48'.

6. [+25, -3] If you watch her stage videos on YouTube, she always works hard whether she's on camera or not. She also has more experience than any of them and is the highest ranked but while the other kids are burning about 300 calories on stage, she probably burned about 1,000 calories in comparison. I really liked her work ethic and the fact that she knew how precious her time on stage was. I hope she's able to overcome her stress now and come out a better person.

7. [+25, -18] She would've been in the debut team if she had stayed. I like her more than Sakura.

8. [+24, -4] She danced well on 'Peekaboo'. I wanted to see more of her, I was definitely sad to see her go ㅋ

9. [+21, -4] She would've debuted if she had stayed. Her 'Peekaboo' stage still has the highest views.

10. [+15, -5] The reason Jurina left is not because of health reasons but because of her attitude issues during their Japanese elections. She has totally put a halt to her Japanese promos so it wouldn't make sense to keep up with 'Produce 48'.


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