
Make up artist Park Tae Yoon receives flak for description of Kim Doyeon's make up

Article: 'Pretty... natural features' Make up commentary under controversy

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Nate

Make up artist Park Tae Yoon wrote about Kim Do Yeon's make up saying, "This kid is so pretty. She has no traces of fillers, every inch of her facial angles prove that she's natural-grade, along with her bumpy nose... Her beauty shines more with the angled and lifted brows."

Netizens thought it was inappropriate to judge someone's looks by calling it 'natural', which caused him to apologize.

1. [+1,257, -241] But I bet Kim Doyeon felt happy reading that??? It's only the kids who've never been called pretty in their life who are whining

2. [+944, -140] I feel like nowadays, you need to just keep your mouth shut if you want to stay out of trouble

3. [+814, -178] Natural anything is always good

4. [+89, -25] Why can't a make up artist speak from a professional perspective??? Kim Doyeon never said she felt offended by what he said, why is it always the triggered ones who have to attack in hoards like this? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+65, -35] I think he was rude ㅋㅋㅋ Even if you're praising them, what gives you the right to post up someone else's picture and judge each of their facial features like that???

6. [+39, -3] Yes, there's nothing wrong with calling a celebrity pretty or anything ㅋㅋㅋ but he shouldn't be calling her natural like he's judging the grade of sashimi... He could've just called her a natural beauty but instead he described in explicit detail how she had no fillers in her face, how her nose is bumpy... that's rude. The people who don't get why what he said was problematic are the same people who go around judging women in public without realizing that they're being rude. I bet all the Nate losers who've never gone on a date think this is an actual compliment that women want to hear ㅋㅋ

7. [+37, -21] "Natural' ㅋㅋㅋ she's not some sashimi waiting to be graded... why couldn't he just call her a natural beauty?

8. [+26, -11] He's calling her pretty and yet calling her features bumpy... doesn't really sound like a compliment


Source: Nate

1. [+1,741, -266] I think he expressed her beauty in a very detailed way... not sure why that's bad???

2. [+1,517, -266] Hmm.. I'm not sure why this is problematic.. it's not like he called her ugly.. He called her pretty.

3. [+965, -164] I get his intentions but he chose the wrong words to describe her... "no fillers", "bumpy"... I noticed that he's just not the type of personality to express things in a pretty way when I saw him on 'My Little TV'... When he tried Lee Hye Jung's food, he described it as "how can it not taste good when you only put good ingredients in it?" jeez

4. [+60, -5] It's because he added in words like "fillers" and "natural grade" that made his compliment sound more like a weird put down ㅋㅋ

5. [+24, -17] The only people who are mad are the ones who have fillers and got triggered


from Netizen Buzz