
iKON's Goo Junhee apologizes for problematic SNS post on Takeshi Kitano

Article: iKON's Goo Junhee uploads anti-Korean post on SNS... despite fans telling him to stop "Don't tell me what to do"

Source: Chic News via Nate

1. [+4,064, -50] Totally ignored the advice of his worried fans ㅋㅋㅋ his true colors have shown...

2. [+3,868, -43] You pathetic fool... why are you leaving the post up without deleting it? ㅋㅋ

3. [+3,813, -46] If you told your fans to stop telling you what to do, then you should keep pushing forward ㅋㅋㅋ and yet he just deleted it. He has no sense of anything.

4. [+273, -4] He's infamous for loving Japanese things ㅋㅋㅋ He'll always be the first to write a post asking if Japan's okay whenever they have an earthquake and he has a ton of Japanese names in his profile ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+250, -4] He always left a negative impression on me, something about the way he looks

6. [+234, -2] If he's going to be ballsy enough to tell his fans not to tell him what to do, then at least stick to it ㅋㅋㅋ why act so tough if you're going to listen in the end and delete it? Stay off of SNS if you're uneducated or at least listen to what people are educating you on.

7. [+197, -4] No idea who he is but it's obvious he has nothing in his brain ㅋㅋ It's fine that he didn't know who that Japanese person was but acting like this even after his fans educated him is unacceptable ㅋㅋ

8. [+185, -4] There's always a reason some idols are flops


Article: Who is Kitano Takeshi mentioned by Goo Junhee? 'affairs + drunk driving + anti-Korean

Source: Chic News via Nate

1. [+1,359, -14] So Goo Junhee must be insane... he really must not want to be successful as an idol... or is he just acting up because he knows YG will defend him?

2. [+1,282, -16] At this point, Goo Junhee deserves to be kicked out of iKON

3. [+1,144, -13] I always thought his character was trash when I saw him on 'iKON TV' and he went to Seungri's ramen restaurant to help out the staff only to go dance around and stare at himself in the mirror

4. [+83, -7] "Art above history" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ trashy ba$tard

5. [+77, -6] I had to look up who this kid is and of course he's under YG. YG's always causing a mess with either drugs or anti-Korean sentiment

6. [+51, -2] Can't stand him anymore. BI is trying so hard to drag iKON to the top and yet he's being so thoughtless and ruining it all

7. [+50, -0] Surely Goo Junhee was looking for an easy way to get kicked out of YG without having to pay a termination fee?

8. [+44, -0] Of all the people in the world to respect, you have to respect a right-wing Japanese director?


Article: Goo Junhee apologizes for post about anti-Korean friend + ignoring fans... official apology posted

Source: Segye Ilbo via Nate

1. [+1,154, -12] A nugu is acting like he's a big star~!

2. [+1,061, -13] Everything from the way he looks shows that he would have a nasty temper. His character is just no good.

3. [+1,050, -8] He's the one who put his own fans down telling them not to to tell him what to do and yet now that the scandal is bigger, he's apologizing because he loves his fan's money ㅠ

4. [+70, -0] What is he claiming he "didn't know" when his fans were educating him the whole time?

5. [+67, -0] All those fans wrote comments educating him out of concern because they didn't want him to get hate and he was just like "nah~ don't tell me what to do~" ㅋㅋ


Source: Nate

1. [+665, -5] If you don't want to take the advice of your fans, then just quit your career. Your fans were educating you because they were worried for you. You're only where you are now because of them.

2. [+567, -7] Celebrities are always deleting their posts ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ as public figures, they should know better than to upload posts that would cause controversy. They know how sensitive Korea is to these issues and yet how could he post something like this?

3. [+507, -5] He's a joke

4. [+49, -0] "Respect him as an artist" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ so you're willing to sell your own country for art ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+38, -0] Loser hid his tail and deleted it ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+37, -0] YG at it again

7. [+32, -0] I can't even say "farewell" because it's not like this group ever got anywhere. Does he not realize the influence he has as a public figure? If he wants to sing without worrying about that kind of stuff, then go sing in a karaoke room and stop whining.

8. [+31, -2] Nothing in his brain but useless swag and tryhard behavior. While he was whining about not knowing the difference between anti and pro-Korean sentiment, another idol group was giving a speech at the UN on the dreams of children.


Source: Naver

1. [+7,346, -129] You can leave to Japan, farewell

2. [+5,624, -54] When fans told him that the person was anti-Korean and to delete the post, he wrote back, "I like him as an artist, it doesn't matter"... and now he's claiming in his apology that he had no idea he was anti-Korean? ㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠ stop lying... how can you just lie to our faces ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+5,176, -406] Of course it's YG ㅋ This guy has always had issues too ㅋ that tryhard gaze, every single thing he does is the epitome of tryhard ㅋ Him, BI, and Bobby are the top three tryhards of iKON ㅋ I always knew their tryhard-ness would land them in a scandal and what do we have here ㅋ

4. [+2,967, -109] At this point, all of YG's singers seem to have issues

5. [+2,122, -72] Say whatever you want, anti-Korean-dol~

6. [+853, -10] So does he have a brain? What does he mean by saying he didn't know anything else about his own favorite actor? ㅋㅋㅋ The minute I heard that my favorite actor was anti-Korea, I immediately stopped stanning them. Even if he didn't know, his fans were educating him this whole time and he's claiming he still didn't know? The audacity to lie... Only after the scandal grew big did he write five lines of apology... Does he really think he can be forgiven for that?

7. [+800, -9] Who does he think he is to be looking down on his fans like this?

8. [+642, -25] You'd be exiled already if you were a girl group ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Source: Naver

1. [+3,395, -80] How is it that YG always has one bomb in every single group?? Do they not give character training like JYP?? Can we please get on that?? What's the point of training all these groups when they all end up tainted with YG's image... Is YG not able to just kick out kids like Nam Taehyun, Goo Junhee, and TOP??? What's the point in being talented when they're always causing scandals?

2. [+1,930, -30] If you love Japan so much, just go there

3. [+1,583, -23] He explicitly said he liked an actor who is anti-Korea and yet he's lying that he didn't know? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+819, -56] Agencies need to start giving training on history, not acting. He isn't the first idol to cause this mess, from AOA to Tiffany, it's always at least one idol a year that's causing this mess which is why idol groups can only last 7 years at best tsk tsk.

5. [+299, -1] Let's just take this as an opportunity to lump all the other idiots with him. The composer for iKON's 'Love Scenario' is a Nazi lover who picks fights with underground rappers for no reason. Let's just expose this psycho too.

6. [+294, -2] The thing is, he probably doesn't realize how severe this whole thing is yet. YG probably told him to just put up an apology before it gets any worse and he was probably pissed off like, "ugh these fans think they can rule my life". That's why his apology is like this...

7. [+214, -0] I knew he was like this since his 'Mix Match' days. Incredible tryhard, I knew a scandal like this would blow up one day~ tsk tsk, you're only where you are because of your fans~ do you think you're there because you're talented?...

8. [+168, -0] Did he forget that he's a figure of influence? Even if he didn't know about this figure's past, his fans were trying to educate him, at which point he should've immediately deleted it and apologized. How dare he has poet Han Yong Woon's name on his profile and yet respect a Japanese with anti-Korean sentiment just because he likes him as an "artist"? And his apology is so poorly written too. Stop being so childilsh and realize the severeity of what you just did.


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