
BTS gives a speech at the UN

Article: BTS and First Lady Kim Jung Sook enters UN event... side by side

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+339, -18] Amazing, I respect them

2. [+299, -18] BTS is always looking to spread a positive influence. Can't wait for their speech!! So proud of them!! (Watching live right now)

3. [+277, -21] Ajusshi fan here in my late twenties and I'll give them my acknowledgement. They are the one top of all male groups in history.

4. [+31, -0] More than anything, I think it's convincing that they're a member of the younger generation and are leading their agenda with their own personal stories, even connecting it to the 'Love Yourself' campaign. I personally think BTS has told the best story that they could have. Their six-minute speech was apparent that they practiced hard for it, in another language no less! Amazing Kim Nam Joon!!

5. [+30, -1] The speech was great, even though they only had a few days to prepare for it. How'd they do that? BTS class, of course.

6. [+30, -4] Aigoo Namjoon, imagine how nervous he was ㅠㅠ fighting!

7. [+28, -1] They make me speechless. They're on tour so obviously they barely have time to sleep but they even came up with a speech, a six-minute long one, that was practically memorized... If BTS is anything, it's their genuineness in all that they do. Please 'love myself' instead of leaving hate comments on such amazing kids.

8. [+27, -1] It felt so weird seeing them give a speech at the UN on the ABC News this morning ㅋㅋ but I'm loving it.. so proud of BTS

9. [+27, -3] BTS is making me study up on English and wake up early to watch the UN speech

10. [+24, -2] Even in America, only the most famous celebrities are invited to speak at the UN... another form of proof of BTS class


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