
Han Ye Seul adds highlighter yellow to her ever changing list of hair styles

Article: Han Ye Seul, metalhead? New provocative hair style

Source: Biz Enter via Nate

1. [+1,164, -79] Her style used to be more feminine back then with dresses and stuff but ever since she dated Teddy, she's been wearing darker eye make up and completely changed up her style

2. [+909, -29] Maybe she's trying to try all different styles out before she gets too old ㅋㅋㅋ I want hair like that once but I have to quit my job first

3. [+156, -13] It doesn't look that bad... maybe because she has pretty facial features but she pulls it off well

4. [+43, -8] I'm jealous that she can try whatever style she wants without worrying what others think of her. Not sure why she gets hate. When else can you have neon hair except when you're young and pretty?

5. [+36, -3] If I had that face and that body, I'd play dolly dress up every day too

6. [+32, -4] The fact that she can pull this look off at 38 already means she's not a person of this world

7. [+15, -0] They're extensions, guys...

8. [+13, -2] I really think your tastes change according to who you're dating. So let's date good people, everyone!

9. [+13 -5] She just can't leave her hair alone..

10. [+10, -2] I read somewhere that people who change their hair styles a lot are starved for affection


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