
Drama 'Hide and Seek' criticized for men's sauna scene

Article: 'Hide and Seek' bath house scene controversy... netizens argue, "where are men's rights?"

Source: Sports Kyunghyang via Nate

1. [+3,361, -284] Imagine if the opposite had happened. I swear people would be holding candlelight protests in Gwanghwamun.

2. [+2,888, -283] It's the same crime and yet when a woman does it, she's considered brave and fearless.

3. [+2,693, -277] Scriptwriter-nim, I'm expecting a scene in the women's sauna next ^^

4. [+162, -10] Feminists always click "back" on articles like this ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+119, -8] What is this? Why is it that it's a crime when a man does it but it's aegyo when a woman does it?

6. [+112, -4] Imagine the mess that would've happened if the scene was reversed and it was a man walking into a women's sauna?

7. [+81, -4] Imagine the mess if it was a women's sauna scene... ㅋㅋ Korean men are too nice to be letting this slide

8. [+70, -3] Even as a woman, I find this wrong. What is going on ㅡㅡ

9. [+57, -2] This isn't an issue of whether the drama showed a men's sauna or a women's sauna scene. It's an issue of the fact that when a man walks into a women's sauna, the drama would depict him as a psycho pervert, but when a woman walks into a men's sauna, the drama depicts her as a brave and confident woman. Back then, this wouldn't even be deemed controversial. It is now because men are seeing that they're being discriminated against too.

10. [+36, -3] If this was a women's sauna scene, the scriptwriter would already have been fired and the drama would be taken off air~~ ㅋㅋ


from Netizen Buzz