
Controversy over Soo Hyun/Claudia Kim's casting as Nagini in 'Fantastic Beasts 2'

Article: 'The Crimes of Grindewald' JK Rowling defends against racism controversy over Soo Hyun casting

Source: Star Today via Nate [English article here]

1. [+485, -17] I'm pretty sure most Harry Potter fans would have realized by now that the writer is pretty racist with the development of her characters ㅋㅋㅋ Considering the population of Asia and how big the countries are, how is it that there's only one magic school in Asia and it's in Japan ㅋㅋ and apparently Asian wizards prefer carpets over brooms ㅋㅋ what is that? ㅋㅋ

2. [+440, -17] I've noticed that the Harry Potter series is especially negative towards the portrayal of East Asians. Even Cho Chang's name sounds like a mix of the racist slur 'ching chong' and the character herself isn't a very positive one. The Patil sisters at least get Hindu goddess names and cool lines like "Shut up, Malfoy" and even become partners with the main characters in the Triwizard Tournament. It's always the East Asian characters that get pushed to the side... And it's quite obvious that JK Rowling hasn't studied up on East Asian geography at all...

3. [+354, -21] This is an example of how westerners view Asian women in general...

4. [+35, -21] Despite all the racist issues going on, I'm embarrassed that Koreans feel proud of this movie just because a Korean is starring in it. It's the international fans who are more enraged than us.

5. [+24, -14] Either way, I'm glad that a Korean actress is getting to star in such a huge movie and is being recognized for her talents

6. [+20, -24] The claims feel a bit forced... anyway, the movie itself is boring. It's only doing well off of the 'Harry Potter' buff.

7. [+14, -2] The fact that JK Rowling thinks she can pass off any Asian as Indonesian is orientalism, is it not?

8. [+11, -2] Sigh... it's quite obvious that she has no knowledge of Asia and just read up on a few random stories. Should've just stuck to creating white characters if she isn't knowledgeable enough on anything else. Why cause all this controversy by adding Asians without educating herself first?

9. [+8, -2] The character is so trash that I don't even want to see it

10. [+3, -0] It's not news that Asians don't get equal treatment out there


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