
Why did 'Produce 48' Shiroma Miru unfollow Sulli?

Article: 'Produce 48' Shiroma Miru, under controversy for 'unfollowing' Sulli after her comfort women post

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Naver

1. [+1,784, -47] Let's not forget... it's National Liberation Day tomorrow

2. [+716, -41] She was following Sulli up until the 12th (a Miru fan took a screenshot and uploaded it)... Then Sulli made a post about comfort women today. Miru was following one person less and it turned out to be Sulli... Honestly, the timing of it is too...

3. [+634, -62] Fact: We have all of the evidence and yet it's the otaku ajusshis who keep saying it's all suspicions at this point when it's not. She was following 159 people and now she's following 158 and the only person she unfollowed out of that list is Sulli. We have all of the evidence for that. How stupid can you be to deny all of that and continue to threaten journalists like this?

4. [+199, -29] Look at all of her fans trying to take over the comment section ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ they'd totally sell the country off if they could

5. [+136, -16] Why did she only unfollow 'Sulli' though? She could've done it like Seolhyun and unfollowed a few at a time but she unfollowed exactly one person and it was Sulli

6. [+90, -8] All the comments shielding this... are giving me goosebumps...

7. [+72, -7] Just ask them who Dokdo belongs to kick out any of the b*tches who can't answer

8. [+45, -18] I used to support her too ㅋㅋㅋ ㅠㅠㅠㅠ guess I should stick to voting for Koreans


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