
Shoo confirms she is in debt from gambling

Article: [Exclusive] Shoo "I apologize for the girl group gambling scandal"

Source: Starin via Nate

1. [+4,410, -45] Wow, this is a bit shocking

2. [+3,959, -77] Sigh, she took her kids on that children's show and acted like she was a caring parent and all and earned tons of CFs off of that image. Talk about embarrassing now ㅡㅡ

3. [+3,267, -117] I guess this marks the end of any nostalgia left for SES. I wonder where the source of all the money she used to fix up that face of hers is... hmm...

4. [+538, -21] At least she's loyal. She came forward and admitted it because Eugene was being unfairly suspected.

5. [+431, -29] She either has a bad relationship with her husband or is suffering from severe depression. Plus she's addicted to SNS and plastic surgery.

6. [+323, -13] So she went into debt for gambling and plastic surgery? She doesn't just have 600 million won lying around? When she used to be a member of one of the best girl groups?? I guess life isn't always peaches...

7. [+300, -9] How'd she find the time to go out and gamble while raising three kids

8. [+194, -16] I had a feeling she was acting up lately... I assumed it was from the stress of child-rearing but... I guess that wasn't it

9. [+177, -6] Gambling is scary, people~

10. [+116, -17] I guess she pretended to raise her three kids for the sake of the TV show


Article: Shoo confirms gambling scandal, 600 million won in debt while golfing and vacationing

Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate

1. [+2,354, -26] While the people she borrowed from are living nervous lives, wondering when she's going to pay them back, the people like Shoo who should be paying them back enjoy their lives fully without a care

2. [+2,003, -30] The rest of us would be shaking at losing just a thousand at the casinos... and yet she blew 600 million won and is still going on vacations...

3. [+1,787, -42] The female Shin Jung Hwan ㅋㅋㅋㅋ she's no elf anymore

4. [+78, -7] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's not only her. Every woman on Instagram acts like they're so rich and happy ㅋㅋ always posting vacation pictures, food pictures, new purchases ㅋㅋ and I bet you their bank accounts are empty ㅋㅋㅋㅋ gotta get that healing no matter how poor you are ㅋㅋ

5. [+75, -2] I suppose she kept that debt hidden from her husband... No wonder he let her go on vacation like nothing was wrong. She must've been burning on the inside... I always thought there was something sad about her even when she was smiling.

6. [+55, -6] I'm glad she came forward with the truth after people started targeting Eugene. People can make mistakes but you shouldn't let that harm others.

7. [+54, -5] All those bikini pictures she's been posting ㅋㅋㅋ with whose money she spent on those vacations ㅋㅋㅋ Shoo's daebak ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+43, -1] I remember lending someone money and asking them to pay me back if they had money to go on vacation... and they yelled at me back asking if people in debt aren't allowed to go on vacation. I think it's best to never lend any money even if that means letting relationships slip.

9. [+39, -2] I've always been a fan of SES... but I always felt like there was something wrong with Shoo. Her constant fixation on plastic surgery, and now gambling.. ㅠㅠ farewell

10. [+38, -0] People who borrow money always have enough to spend on themselves and never pay back the rest


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