
Model Soojoo spends a month's rent on the upkeep of her blonde hair

Article: Soojoo, "The cost of dyeing my hair blonde? About on par with a month's rent"

Source: MBN TV via Nate

1. [+776, -24] The blonde hair is her trademark so she can't give it up so easily. Just like how Go Jun Hee sticks to keeping her hair in a bob.

2. [+543, -20] When I think of Soojoo, I think of her blonde hair so I can see why she'd be reluctant to give it up

3. [+422, -35] I thought this was about SuJu for a second

4. [+54, -2] A lot of you seem to be well versed on models... I guess she's famous

5. [+40, -0] Just shows how abnormally expensive hair salons are

6. [+27, -9] I feel like we'll be reading about her suffering from hair loss soon...

7. [+17, -2] I thought the article typo'd SuJu ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+16, -5] If her hair costs as much as rent... maybe find a new stylist. Her hair looks totally damaged, why pay so much to damage it;;;

9. [+13, -0] Dyeing your hair too often is bad for your eyes ㅜㅜ

10. [+10, -0] Well rent these days is all over the place... so around $800? $1,000?


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