
Mamamoo to take legal action over their hate comments

Article: Mamamoo to take legal action against hate commenters, "Will not be going easy against sexual harassment comments and rumors"

Source: Dispatch via Nate

1. [+2,059, -161] Before taking legal action, how about you guys reflect on your actions first? Why would there be smoke without fire?

2. [+1,725, -109] Shouldn't your first step be to reflect?

3. [+1,526, -103] Don't feed them attention..

4. [+154, -10] But they acted in a way that's deserving of the hate ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+150, -9] They don't seem to realize what they did wrong ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+137, -9] Then what about facts and not rumors?

7. [+114, -8] So they're not going to reflect at all and claim everything is a hate comment?

8. [+100, -9] Worry about acting right yourselves

9. [+95, -9] Wow, their agency is handling this in a sh*tty way. Each and every member of Mamamoo has such bad character. What are they saying is a "rumor"? Their image is dropping because of this, I don't think they were ever meant to make it any bigger.

10. [+81, -10] You guys should be the ones getting sued. Please learn some respect and reflect over your actions. Can't stand your songs anymore with what a mess your actions have been.

11. [+73, -3] Taking legal action is fine but start by reflecting. The song about the strawberry jam has such scary and goosebump-inducing lyrics, how was that a laughing matter at all?

12. [+71, -4] I don't think it's a rumor that they were giggling and laughing while asking "do you know why the lyrics say 'strawberry jam is coming out?'" Do they not know what the definition of a rumor is?

13. [+62, -3] This is hilarious ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ they made themselves sound like they did nothing and people are grabbing their heads over nothing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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