
Hyuna's excessive skinship with E'Dawn led to the dating rumors?

Article: "Close but not lovers" Hyuna and E'Dawn, excessive skinship that made dating rumors

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+841, -25] Hyuna looks like she's really into him

2. [+734, -33] There's no one who does skinship to a person they don't have feelings for unless you're just cheap

3. [+586, -30] There are limits to how close you can act with someone who's just a friend, what're they doing?

4. [+82, -1] Should've just kept the unit to E'Dawn, why stick Hui in there and make him the awkward third wheel

5. [+77, -5] I don't think they're dating, I think she's just acting one-sided ㅋㅋ If you look at that video where she slams her chest into his, his facial expression looks like, "F*ck, the sh*t I have to put up with" ㅋㅋ

6. [+70, -2] This skinship would make sense if they were dating but since they're not... it makes Hyuna look so cheap. She looks like a runaway rebellious high schooler.

7. [+60, -2] Hyuna has always acted cheap

8. [+49, -0] Um.... doesn't matter how close you are, if a male senior had done this type of skinship to a female junior, it would've been way more controversial...

9. [+42, -4] She looks like a crazy drunk b*tch

10. [+41, -0] Hyuna looked excited on Instagram saying she's the #1 searched ㅎㅎㅎ she seems to be enjoying this situation~

11. [+37, -1] She looks like a really thirsty ajumma ㅎ

12. [+36, -1] It makes her look so cheap and thirsty ㅋㅋㅋ

13. [+28, -0] Throwing her chest at his was really bad... who does that? Even girlfriends don't do that to their own boyfriends in privacy...

14. [+28, -2] She's all over him

15. [+26, -0] Honestly, you can only act like this around someone you've already slept with


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