
Hyeri expresses excitement for her movie debut with 'Monstrum'

Article: Hyeri, "My first big screen debut with 'Monstrumn'... I've always dreamt of doing an action movie"

Source: Sports Chosun via Naver

1. [+1,200, -57] I became her fan after 'Reply' and was really into her acting because of Duksun's personality but... why does she not improve anymore?... ㅠㅠㅠ Obviously we'll have to wait and see until 'Monstrum' hits the screens but her script in the trailer already made me cringe...

2. [+793, -63] So she's continuing to fail works with her bad acting? First dramas, and now movies?

3. [+477, -31] Is Hyeri at a level where she can pick and choose movie roles now?

4. [+297, -18] Her acting was the absolute worst in 'Two Cops', and her acting is still just as bad in the trailer for this movie

5. [+209, -1] The problem with these stars is that they luck out by landing a lead role and then insist on only doing lead roles after that even if their acting is bad... These stars should be more concerned about doing a variety of different roles and expanding their acting talents... but instead they're focused on taking roles that they're not ready for.

6. [+179, -5] The fact that Hyeri's name is the third name featured in the trailer??? Park Sun Woong is behind her... hul ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+131, -7] Her pronunciation and tonality are all a mess... she says her lines like she's reading a script out of a history textbook... there's no emotional depth to her acting... she only has a few facial expressions maybe because of all the plastic surgery... She always looks the same no matter what she does.

8. [+140, -31] Please put your big nose away ㅜㅜ I don't want to see the movie because of you now


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