
Hwayoung and LJ continue to fight over interviews

Article: [Exclusive] Ryu Hwayoung confesses feelings for the first time, "LJ released those with malicious intent... I was scared of his dating violence + threats"

Source: Sports Kyunghyang via Nate

1. [+5,057, -230] Either way, LJ's the real idiot for sharing all those first without her consent

2. [+4,928, -238] Wow, he's a thug. He's the type of guy to pass around nudes and videos after getting dumped.

3. [+3,494, -233] Let it commence!!

4. [+565, -21] She doesn't have the greatest image but what she described is indeed dating violence. Sharing a past lover's pictures and Katalk messages is no good.

5. [+502, -17] That bikini picture of her did seem like a hidden camera picture;;

6. [+454, -15] She said they went to the police, that's believable then, isn't it?

7. [+399, -19] He's trash... why would he give her a present that isn't even new? I'm glad they broke up, he just reeks of a loser from her words alone.

8. [+329, -11] Guys who share revenge porn are exactly guys like him

9. [+312, -9] Her words sound believable since she claims to have police records and witnesses

10. [+270, -12] The fact that police had to be called just proves that LJ didn't treat her like a normal person would....


Article: [Exclusive] LJ, "Dating violence against Ryu Hwayoung? Trespassing her home? They're all lies" (Interview)

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+2,083, -260] Wow, if his words are true, then she's no normal person. She exiled T-ara like this too, how many lies is she hiding behind that innocent face?

2. [+1,793, -164] Anyone can tell that they were dating for longer than she claims by checking their Instagram and yet she claims only 1-2 weeks... Of course all the blame goes to the man for sharing all this when she asked to break up but ㅎ the two don't seem that different to me

3. [+1,674, -261] Looks like he got pissed and shared all that stuff because he suspected she had another man. He wanted to go public with her by putting it all on SNS and kept doing it because her twin kept being like "you're not dating her, why are you doing this?" I feel bad for LJ, he was basically used for his money... Even now, Hwayoung's still denying that they ever dated. Imagine how pissed he is... I bet the other man is a celebrity too.

4. [+196, -24] I believe LJ more

5. [+181, -17] I read another interview and it sounds like LJ is the victim, he was used... just a fool who was used.

6. [+175, -16] Hwayoung's already infamous in the industry for having a disgusting temper ㅋㅋㅋ She cosplayed as the victim to completely demolish T-ara ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Everyone in the industry felt bad for T-ara when the public was hating on them ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+154, -19] For some reason, I didn't believe Hwayoung and now even doubly so. You can tell just by their pictures that they were dating but her side of the story makes him sound so pathetic while she was leading him on this whole time...

8. [+131, -4] Yes, he was wrong for sharing all those pictures, but it does seem like she played him this whole time.

9. [+128, -7] It's quite obvious what happened... a young b*tch landed herself a foolish ajusshi and milked him for all he was worth while hanging out with her real boyfriend behind his back ㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+119, -6] I'm a woman and I can see through what type of woman Hwayoung is... she's the "honey I want a car~ honey I want a new bag" type ㅡ.ㅡ I feel bad for him


Hwayoung: I can eat with my friend ㅋㅋㅋ I'm on the way
LJ: Ah~~ when are you coming back? I hung up the blankets, all the laundry, did all the dishes, separated all the recyclables, and I'm out now
Hwayoung: Why'd you do that, that's my house ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
LJ: You're making me sad
Hwayoung: That's my house
Hwayoung: Oppa (pictures)
Hwayoung: What is this? This ajumma is good at housework

Source: Nate

1. [+1,907, -388] So Hwayoung said he trespassed onto her home on August 22nd and yet his Katalks are from the 15th... and there's a huge difference between sharing private photos when you're still dating and after you've broken up (especially when she's a female celebrity)...

2. [+1,897, -592] She already cut him off and he still shared their past photos. Also, considering how LJ has acted in the past, I can't help but believe Hwayoung's side of the story more. He had a nasty divorce as well.

3. [+1,801, -876] Ryu Hwayoung's Katalks just further prove that they were never lovers. If a boyfriend came over and cleaned up her house, she'd be saying stuff like, "Oh you didn't have to, thank you" but Hwayoung was joking around like "this ajumma is so good at housework" and tried to brush it off...

4. [+265, -27] I think anyone who's been in a few relationships will know what this is... The woman's side didn't want anything deeper with him while still wanting to milk him for what she can... and the man's side is head over heels for her and wanting to do anything he can for her. These two should be working this out in private, not taking it to the media just because they're public figures...

5. [+241, -51] You can feel that she's pissed when she was like "but it's my house" when he went over to clean up for her. And she can't even yell at him because he cleaned up and hung up her laundry and he sounded so proud to have done that for her. Oh you foolish ajusshi...

6. [+219, -35] LJ's pissed because he feels used. She obviously sweet talked him up in private while treating him like a manager in public. He did everything he could for her and put up with her for being younger and prettier until he had enough. It was wrong of him to go public like that but I think they're both at fault here.

7. [+214, -20] It's quite obvious... Ryu Hwayoung was just going to milk him for what she could but he fell into deeper emotions with her so she tried to break him off and he got clingy ㅋㅋㅋ You shouldn't date men you aren't serious about.

8. [+183, -25] Gives me goosebumps to think of a man in his fifties going into my house while I'm not there and washing my underwear for me ㅡㅡ

9. [+133, -81] It's hard to believe her because she already acted like the victim and lied a bunch during T-ara's scandal too

10. [+128, -26] He's so obsessive ㅋㅋㅋㅋ it's obvious she was uncomfortable with him doing all that for her but he kept pushing at her


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