
Triple H holds comeback showcase for 'Retro Future'

Article: Hyuna, provocative shorts that look like a swimsuit!

Source: SpoTV News via Nate

1. [+699, -62] Her legs are insane ㅋㅋ I wonder what work outs she does for her legs to get so toned in the thighs but no muscles at all on her calves ㅋㅋ daebak

2. [+489, -56] Pretty, her legs are jjang pretty

3. [+325, -53] Those circle lens though

4. [+35, -8] I personally prefer concepts like this than adult women who are like "I'm a baby, I don't know anything, wah wah wah"

5. [+27, -7] She looks good ㅋㅋ pretty


Source: Nate

1. [+302, -39] Are all three of them high, why do they look like this.. ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+275, -50] Those two men are nugus and yet they're trying to act so seductive

3. [+190, -27] Those two kids beside her are really nothing to look at

4. [+15, -4] They look so cheap

5. [+13, -1] Why do those guys next to her look like that? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Or is it jsut a bad picture? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Source: Nate

1. [+266, -22] She's basically wearing panties here, no? Those aren't shorts... and it's so skin tight around her private area...;;;

2. [+158, -24] Too explicit!! This just looks so cheap tsk tsk

3. [+144, -15] Those aren't shorts, they're underwear ㅡㅡ How can her parents even show their faces in public with so much embarrassment?;

4. [+18, -5] Before, her sexy concepts used to feel fresh, but she's let her image be consumed so much that I don't feel much at all anymore

5. [+11, -3] Always too much


Article: It's time people acknowledge Hyuna's solo path as a sexy star

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+393, -31] I don't think people have a problem with her sexy concepts so much as that she just doesn't have any talent at all

2. [+313, -36] Solo path? She's only going down this path because she has nothing else going for her ㅋㅋ It's been 10 years since she debuted with the WG and her skills are still rock bottom. Her vocals are a mess, her rapping is nasally, she can't do anything with that voice of hers. She has to put out more and more provocative concepts to make up for her lack of skills ㅋㅋ

3. [+243, -21] Well I think it's time she seeks acknowledgment for her skills now

4. [+16, -1] Um Jung Hwa looked so sexy in a skin tight dress and nothing but a fan as a prop. Sexy doesn't just mean shaking your butt and taking your clothes off.

5. [+16, -1] Well her singing sucks and her rapping is no better...

6. [+8, -0] ㅋㅋㅋ If not for her sexy concepts, she'd have nothing else to do than attention wh*re stuff on Instagram like Sulli ㅋㅋ When you listen to your songs, you wonder how she's been a singer for so many years ㅋㅋ

7. [+7, -1] Isn't she a singer? Shouldn't she be going all in on her singing, not a sexy concept?

8. [+7, -4] Can't she open her eyes normally??? She's always staring at the camera like she's shooting laser beams into them ㅋㅋ


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