
CL concerns fans with her sudden and rapid weight gain

Article: [Exclusive] CL, almost unrecognizable... 'shocking' visual at weight gain

Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate

1. [+3,795, -43] ??? Did something happen? This is concerning; especially with how sudden it is;

2. [+3,420, -36] Her stress must be... insane... huuul...

3. [+2,367, -62] I bet even Yang Hyun Suk is shocked ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+338, -2] This doesn't look like just a simple weight gain?? She looks like she gained over 20 kg...

5. [+313, -2] I think this is a public display of her disgruntled feelings towards Yang Hyun Suk. She must be super stressed over the direction of her career right now.

6. [+277, -4] This is shocking... it's only been 6 months since the Olympics ended...

7. [+261, -2] I'm concerned for her health at this point;;; what happened?!

8. [+245, -7] She didn't just "gain weight", she's obese now. How long did it take for her to reach this point???????


Source: Nate

1. [+533, -7] Hul is this really CL????

2. [+465, -7] I feel like she was thin just a few months ago...

3. [+344, -23] Did she gain weight from all the American food... She looks American now

4. [+32, -1] That looks like at least 30 kg.. just how much stress did Hyun Suk give her...

5. [+31, -0] Is she going through something tough...

6. [+29, -2] Unbelievable...

7. [+24, -2] Isn't it a health issue if you gain this much in a few months...? Like thyroid issues...

8. [+22, -3] Hul, I guess even CL gains weight if she doesn't watch herself...


Source: Nate

1. [+511, -4] Well... as much as she ate to gain all this, I'm sure she was under a lot of stress too

2. [+455, -10] There has to be a health issue

3. [+437, -24] More shocking than Shoo's scandal...

4. [+50, -4] I think the weight gain is from stress. Her group failed because of that b*tch Park Druggie and no matter how talented CL is on her own, her visuals aren't good enough to make it on her own... She's getting older, more and more trainees are fighting their way up... she's already gotten a taste of the top... I'd want to binge too.

5. [+35, -5] You guys are so superficial. I saw her fan clips and she was still autographing for fans and taking presents and doing her best even though I'm sure she felt like wanting to hide. She was smiling and greeting everyone till the moment she got in her gate. What a display of character.


Article: Is there a relation to CL's weight gain and Yang Hyun Suk?

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+1,046, -23] I don't think people gain that much weight for no reason;;; she must be under a lot of stress, I feel bad for her

2. [+765, -40] YG's princess has changed from CL to Jennie~~~~~~~~

3. [+589, -28] It's all Yang Hyun Suk's fault

4. [+79, -1] If you look at Yang Hyun Suk's Instagram, you can see how greedy he is and how he treats his artists with bias. He supported CL in America thinking she'd do well but the moment there wasn't a reaction, he stopped taking care of her and isn't even putting her album out...

5. [+53, -4] I feel like this is CL's big f*ck you to Yang Hyun Suk. He seemed really sensitive about weight when he was a judge on 'K-Pop Star' and told contestants to lose weight because it made their dancing look slow.


Source: Naver

1. [+1,562, -113] Weight gain isn't always horrible to your health... how do you expect overweight people to live with these comments...!!!

2. [+638, -46] As long as she's healthy. I think the media should feel bad for what they're doing to her, calling her 'shocking visuals' and all ㅋㅋ Worry about your own diets if you're so concerned about weight gain

3. [+256, -92] Her charisma was still there despite the weight gain. I'll always support you. I want to live life like CL's just once.

4. [+43, -3] I clicked thinking she probably gained nothing but I was honestly really surprised

5. [+57, -19] I'm glad there are no health issues ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I was so shocked when I saw on Facebook..

6. [+35, -5] Is weight gain a crime? This is why women develop so much mental illnesses over their weights


Source: Naver

1. [+452, -7] There's no concern if she gained it from eating what she wanted happily but her relationship with her agency is on the rocks right now... and I am concerned that she's gaining it from stress. I hope this all gets resolved.

2. [+193, -45] Please stop commenting on someone else's body

3. [+86, -6] I am worried, it looks like at least 20 kg

4. [+48, -8] Huk... so suddenly though?

5. [+27, -0] People aren't talking ill of her for gaining weight but concerned about how rapid it was in a short amount of time. That's usually connected to stress.


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