
UNI.T's Yang Jiwon confesses she is dating someone

Article: [Exclusive] Unity's Yang Jiwon dating a non-celebrity... voluntary confession

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+490, -28] Did they meet while she was delivering vegetable juice?

2. [+385, -18] 'The Unit' is just not getting enough attention. Combine everyone and promote as SKB18.

3. [+366, -18] She claimed she was trying to make ends meet by delivering vegetable juice and slowly got media attention for it but she has no variety skills at all so no shows are casting her.

4. [+28, -3] Some people were just never meant to make it

5. [+25, -4] Imagine how unpopular you have to be for an idol to voluntary confess that you're dating

6. [+20, -6] She never gets any media attention... so she has to volunteer the information herself ㅋ

7. [+16, -1] She's brought out the dating card from the lack of attention...

8. [+13, -2] I feel bad ㅜ The whole point of 'The Unit' was to make nugu idols more popular but they're still as nugu as ever...

9. [+12, -2] She's so unpopular that it's not even making the news

10. [+11, -1] She's basically a non-celebrity herself, no..? She has no talent or skill or beauty, it makes me uncomfortable to see how desperate she is to become famous

11. [+11, -1] Maybe she landed a rich guy

12. [+11, -1] This is why you shouldn't stick any older washed-up idol in your audition group. Dating is such a big detriment to idol groups. What did her other team members do to deserve this?


from Netizen Buzz