
Top YouTubers reveal their annual income

Article: Internet stars reveal their annual income, Banzz = 1 billion won, SSIN = 1.2 billion won, Great Library = 1.7 billion won

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+1,343, -34] But these three have specific content that they're good at unlike others who get donations for doing basically nothing

2. [+1,275, -20] I've realized now that times have changed and 'attention' is what makes you money. Just look at the Insta market, you can easily make thousands.

3. [+1,002, -29] Wow, I'm speechless

4. [+152, -16] People automatically assume that they're making easy money but that's not the case. Being a YouTuber was not a thing back when they first started and they were putting out content without being paid for it. They invested in themselves and kept improving to finally see the light and make money now. They have to keep up with the trends and stay on top of things, and they also get in trouble over saying the littlest things wrong.. I personally find them amazing people.

5. [+89, -10] This is why so many idiots jump into this thinking they can make money too without any particular knowledge in anything

6. [+77, -25] Content creation requires creativity. Before hating on them, think to yourself when the last time you ever created anything was; None of these people started with connections or sponsors. They all personally started from the bottom and got to where they are now;

7. [+76, -6] I heard it's a tough job though. They have to come up with new content all the time and videos have to be over 10 minutes long for the ads to kick in. I think it's hard to make it as big as they have. Mukbangs seem to be the easiest out of them all in terms of coming up with content.

8. [+57, -6] This type of job seems to be one of those where you make yourself out of nothing.. amazing~~~

9. [+51, -4] Whatever the case, they represent the top 1%... it's not something that just anyone can do

10. [+45, -4] At least these three started from the bottom in an industry that no one had paved for them before. I find people like them amazing ㅋㅋ Banzz works out 8 hours a day after he eats and that's no easy feat in itself ㅋㅋㅋ Everyone always says that they can do these jobs easy for that much money but why don't you try and do it then? ㅋㅋㅋ

11. [+45, -3] I bet you conservative parents are still yelling at their kids to study for traditional jobs and stay at after school academies till midnight instead of supporting alternative careers ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

12. [+40, -1] Times have changed and studying out of a book isn't all there is to finding a career. I think being able to read trends like this is a skill in itself... Some people struggle with coming up with content in general, nevermind being consistent with it


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