
'Superman' Bong Tae Gyu has no problem with his son liking the color pink

Article: 'Superman' Bong Tae Gyu, "I support Shiha for liking pink"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+1,073, -24] What a great dad :) Liking a specific color is personal preference, you can't expect every little boy to like blue

2. [+911, -22] My son likes pink too. And he likes pretty pictures of girls. I also support whatever my child likes, regardless of societal norms. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

3. [+729, -19] Shiha is so cute~ Bong Tae Gyu-ssi is such a family man and I like that he tries to meet him at eye level ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+45, -4] I have a 3 year old son and often buy him pink or yellow clothes ㅋㅋ I hate the idea that boy = blue, girl = pink... I'd rather more variety.. ㅋㅋ

5. [+38, -6] He's such a good dad. This is what a real parent is. Someone who can love their child no matter what preference or image.

6. [+37, -2] Once they start getting older and hanging out with other kids, their likes and preferences change all the time. There's no need to pay any mind to it. Both a feminine boy and a masculine girl are loving in their own right. Don't box children into what 'girls should be' and 'boys should be'.

7. [+34, -3] All kids go through ti ㅋㅋ my daughter's 5 but when she was 3, she used to play with cars and never cared for dolls. Now she's a total princess who only dresses in pink and plays with dolls. She still likes cars but children's tastes really do change all the time ^^

8. [+29, -5] You have to be an old fart conservative to still believe that boys are blue and girls are pink


Article: "Wait, Shiha is a boy?" 'Superman' Sian's first love

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+561, -12] I thought he was a girl at first too when I watched 'Superman'... ㅎㅎㅎ I thought Kim Na Young's son was a girl too ㅎㅎ

2. [+515, -18] Wait, Shiha's a boy?

3. [+413, -19] I thought he was a girl this whole time too... but he's a boy~

4. [+52, -16] I don't think anything good can come out of raising children with ambiguous genders

5. [+51, -50] I don't get it... why would you dress a boy like a girl? I saw some older pictures of Shiha too and he was playing with a children's make up set in them... I don't get it...

6. [+33, -1] Shiha's so cute with how he'll do anything for you without emotion ㅠㅠ Daebak's facial expression when he found out Shiha was a boy ㅋㅋㅋㅋ they're so adorable

7. [+29, -28] Why would you confuse your son by dressing him like a girl like that? tsk tsk

8. [+26, -1] I find Shiha charming in that he can sometimes seem like both a girl or boy depending on how you think of him

9. [+21, -2] I'm an adult and thought he was a little girl too... just his vibe and his hair style and all...

10. [+12, -3] These comments are no joke ㅜ back in Amber's article too... these biases are insane ㅡㅡ I guess our country really is that conservative still... People are so judgmental and quick to put others down ㅋㅋㅋ


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