
Kahi gives birth to her second baby on 'Superman Returns'

Article: 'Superman' Kahi safely gives birth to second Shion after emergency c-section

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+705, -33] So much respect for all the mothers of the world ㅠㅠ

2. [+613, -39] Why did I tear up watching a complete stranger give birth ㅠㅠ this was so touching

3. [+505, -29] I cried so hard when Noah met his dongsaeng for the first time... I wonder if this is how my mother felt too. Thank you, mom~

4. [+48, -5] Kahi looks better with more weight on. Didn't recognize it back then.

5. [+43, -3] I cried a lot watching this... Even though I sometimes hate my mom, it breaks my heart to think of the pain she endured to give birth to me...

6. [+36, -3] So much respect to the mothers of Korea. A maternal instinct may sometimes be taken for granted but it's definitely not something that's earned easily.

7. [+30, -2] I teared up thinking of the time I gave birth too~ ㅜ good job, Kahi~

8. [+21, -3] Thank you mother

9. [+17, -2] My mother did a c-section too ㅜㅜ the scar stays with you for life so it upsets me

10. [+17, -5] All mothers on this land are amazing. I cried watching the birth of a new life. I couldn't help but notice how handsome her husband is and how straight Kahi's teeth are.


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