
Im Bora reveals she has no plans of marrying Swings

Article: 'Video Star' Im Bora, no plans for marriage? "I only plan to date Swings forever"

Source: Sports Donga via Nate

1. [+673, -6] Yeah... marrying him would be hard

2. [+444, -13] Birds of a feather flock together after all

3. [+389, -101] She'll never be able to erase her past of dating him no matter what

4. [+69, -10] Yeah.. we know... and I totally knew she was from the countryside... because pretty women born in Seoul and are used to the elite life would never date a guy like Swings...

5. [+65, -0] ㅋㅋ So she's basically saying they can break up whenever~

6. [+64, -3] We all know she's only using him to get famous so that she can dump him and date someone taller and better looking later. Swings is the only one who doesn't seem to realize this (or maybe he does and doesn't want to admit it).

7. [+55, -0] They're both using each other

8. [+48, -0] That must make Swings feel like sh*t. She basically told him she doesn't want to marry him... because if she really liked him, she'd want to ㅋㅋ

9. [+47, -2] She's clearly using him to get on TV, right??

10. [+33, -2] She looks so different on TV compared to her pictures


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