
Goo Hye Sun gives off vampire vibes at a film festival

Article: 'I want to be a cold beauty' Goo Hye Sun's blood red lipstick and chic facial expression

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+268, -12] Isn't she sick? Is she swollen because of that? ㅜㅠ

2. [+219, -7] Not sure if she gained weight but she does look like she's sick. Her make up and outfit don't match her at all ㅠㅠ She looks scary

3. [+149, -34] She gained weight

4. [+25, -3] I don't think she got procedures. Her jaw line is less defined now so she either gained weight or she's swollen from being sick...

5. [+20, -4] What happened to her face... ㅠㅠ

6. [+15, -4] Hul she gained a lot in her face

7. [+11, -1] I heard she doesn't have a stylist and does her hair and clothes herself...

8. [+11, -0] She doesn't match dark make up. Why mess up your pretty face like that?

9. [+7, -0] It's so hot;;;; what is she wearing

10. [+6, -1] She looks scary tsk tsk, doesn't match her at all


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